Summer Learning Activities

The goal of summer learning at Bolton High School is to promote and inspire an enjoyment of learning. Research indicates that frequent and sustained reading throughout the summer maintains and promotes literacy skills. It further allows students to exercise their independent reading and thinking skills in preparation for college, and helps them to develop a lifelong habit of educational growth and entertainment, allowing them to use their imaginations to take them to worlds unknown and giving them a better understanding of themselves and the world around them. 

We view the development of life-long habits of reading as the centerpiece of an educated person and we encourage each student to read widely throughout the year. Summer reading and other intellectual activities serve to stimulate, to enrich, and to reinforce academic skills during the long summer hiatus from formal schooling.

All activities listed below are suitable for all grades and course levels. Students will submit their completed activities to their teacher as a major assignment for the first quarter of the school year. Additionally, students that submit their completed activities will be eligible for special rewards and incentives at the end of the first quarter. 

All activities can be completed without purchase or technology. If any student would like a printed copy of the assignment, they may pick it up for the school this summer.