Northam Remote Learning Resources

Recursos de Aprendizaje Remoto de Northam

Welcome Northam Families ~ Bienvenida Familias de Northam

This temporary website is here to support you with easy access to the documents and websites needed for learning at home.

We will update this site often, so check back in every week for new information.

Este sitio de web temporal está aquí para ayudarlos con un fácil acceso a los documentos y sitios necesarios para aprender en casa.

Actualizaremos este sitio con frecuencia , ási que vuelva a consultar cada semana para obtener informacíon nueva.

Northam Hearts video.mp4

Northam Hearts Video For YOU!!

Our students need to be taking their STAR Testing at this time. The testing needs to be completed by Friday, May 22, 2020.

We need them to work independently so we can assess their strengths and needs.

Most students (2-6) will be taking the STAR Reading and STAR Math (1st-6).

Students in K-1 will be taking the STAR Early Literacy.


STAR Testing Steps in English

Espanol AR.pdf

STAR Examen pasos en Espanol

**Please contact our Technology Helpline if you’re interested in picking up a device for your child and haven’t done so yet or you're having any technical issues (626) 854-8543

** Póngase en contacto con nuestra línea de ayuda tecnológica si está interesado en recoger un dispositivo para su hijo y aún no lo ha hecho o si tiene problemas con la tecnología (626) 854-8543

Family Resources and Supports ~ Apoyos y Recursos para Familias