Library Aide Training Modules


Use the following links to teach us about you and to learn about what you will being doing here with us in the library. This is a self-paced learning module, however, you should be able to finish within two class periods. We want you to succeed, so please use us to your advantage. Good luck!

To access these links, log into your student GMail account first. Ask for assistance if you need it.

  1. Library Student Aide Info

  2. Student Aide Orientation

  3. Dewey Games- these games will assist you in learning how to shelve books in the library. Be sure to complete each one. You DO NOT have to create an account, just click on the play link.

    1. Shelver Game - practice shelving fiction and nonfiction

    2. ​Dewey Order # 1

    3. Dewey Order # 2

    4. Dewey Order # 3

    5. Dewey Order # 4

    6. Dewey Order # 5

    7. Dewey Shelving Practice