Kite Runner Resources

To access all of the library online resources, click here. Passwords are required when you are off campus. (Login to your RRISD Google account.)

General Information and Overviews

Biographies and brief historical information

Search for general topics and use the table of contents to skip to the sections you need.

History and Culture Resources

Search tip: Try searching for general terms first, then use the filters to narrow your results.

(ex: Search Afghanistan then use the subject filters or search within to narrow results.)

Brief cultural and historical information by country

History resources with a specific focus on the United States

Search tip: Use the drop-down menu at the top to search both Gale History databases at the same time!

Cross-search most of the Gale databases at the same time.

This brings back a lot of results, so use your filters!

Make sure to look at the resource types when you search. Reference will usually give general overviews of topics and is usually a good place to start to get background information.

Literature Resources

Search Kite Runner for background information about the book and author

Biographies, overviews, full-text criticisms, audio interviews, and reviews


Library resources will do your citations for you!

Just look for the citation button or scroll to the bottom of the article to copy and paste the citation.

If you click the button to save articles to your Google Drive, the citation will be saved as well!