Class Syllabus


Business Management (BM)

Instructor: Orlando Andrade

Text: Business Management

“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Peter Drucker

“The first rule of management is delegation. Don't try and do everything yourself because you can't.” Anthea Turner

“I think that the best training a top manager can be engaged in is management by example.” Carlos Ghosn

What’s Business Management class about? In a nutshell, in this class you will learn

about the main activities associated with running a business. My expectation is that you have a firm grasp of what it takes to be a manager.

In BM, students recognize, evaluate, and prepare for a rapidly evolving global business environment that requires flexibility and adaptability. Students analyze the primary functions of management and leadership, which are planning, organizing, staffing, directing or leading, and controlling. Topics will incorporate social responsibility of business and industry. Students develop a foundation in the economic, financial, technological, international, social, and ethical aspects of business to become competent managers, employees, and entrepreneurs. Students incorporate a broad base of knowledge that includes the legal, managerial, marketing, financial, ethical, and international dimensions of business to make appropriate management decisions.

*Note this syllabus is subject to change. The class website will have more detailed information on material to be covered. Be sure to add it to your favorites!

Topics we will be exploring in BM …

Managing and Management Responsibilities

The Environment of Business Management

Business Organization and Management

Financial Management

Production and Marketing Management

Human Resources Management

How will I determine your grade every six weeks marking period? It will be based on the following:

o 30% Tests or projects (1-2 per six weeks)

o 20% Daily Work (multiple assignments per six weeks)

o 20% Quizzes (2-3 per six weeks)

o 15% Class Participation (carefully read attached class participation evaluation)

o 15% Homework (number of assignments vary per six weeks)

Students may re-take or do corrections for ANY 2 assignments (per 6 weeks) for which a grade of 69, or lower, is earned. The highest grade possible on a re-take and/or re-do is a 70. An assignment that has not been attempted and/or completed cannot be re-done or corrected. Please be proactive about this policy and come and see me as soon as possible after you learn of the failing grade. You have 5 school days to either re-take or do corrections for the assignment that was failed. The teacher will determine whether corrections or a re-take is appropriate.

LATE WORK POLICY: For every day that an assignment is late, 10% will be deducted.

MAKE-UP POLICY: Make-up assignments will be administered based on individual circumstances at the discretion of the teacher following school guidelines.

Academic Integrity: Cheating takes many forms. Any attempt to receive credit for work that the student has not done, or has not done with an honest attempt to understand the concepts involved, is cheating. This applies to individual work and also to group assignments. If a student is caught cheating, a referral will be written and a parent contacted. If the cheating involves another subject, the appropriate teacher will be contacted, a referral given, and parent contacted. All students involved will be given a zero on the assignment/test that the student cheated on. Both the student copying work and the individual giving assistance (if complicit) will receive zeros. Academic integrity is an important value in the CTE department and in our school.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device): The school district has a policy that allows students to bring their own electronic device to campus/ the classroom. Please note that it also states: “Each teacher has the discretion to allow and regulate the use of personal devices in the classroom on a daily basis and on specific projects. Students are not to use their devices unless directed by the teacher.”

At the beginning of each class, students who have a cell phone are required to place their cell phone in the secure and designated area assigned by the teacher. Those students who don’t have a cell phone must sign in everyday that they don’t have a cell phone on their person. Near the end of the class period, the teacher will allow students to retrieve their cell phone.

Any student who has an electronic device in use, visible, and/or audible during instructional time without permission will have the device confiscated. The device will be brought to the main office at the end of the school day to be picked up after paying the $15 fee. If you have not been directed to do so by the teacher, do not have your personal device out for any reason. NOTE: This policy is in effect when a substitute teacher or other guest is present.