karthik unit 6

Sun facts

1.The sun is made of gas.

2.The sun is 4.5 years old.

3.The sun helps plants grow.

4 The sun is the center of our solar system

5.The sun is 28 million degrees Fahrenheit

6.The sun is all the colors mixed together

7.The Sun is 109 times wider than the Earth

8.The sun is the closest star to earth

9.The sun creates solar energy for us

10.The suns core is 25% of its mass

11.The sun sets in the west and rises from the east

12.The sun is very dangerous when you look at it

13.The sun is about a million miles wide

14.When the sun is not there it can get really cold.

15.The suns diameter is 1,392,684 km

16. You can fit about 1 million earths in the sun

Moon facts

1.The moon orbits the earth.

2. Each day the moon looks different.

3. The moon makes tides.

4. The moon has less gravity than the earth.

5. The moon is tilted.

6. The moon is always there.

7. The moon is faster than the earth.

8. The moon reflects the sun's light.

9.The Moon has no atmosphere.

10.The moon has craters

11. The moon came from the earth.

12.The moon is earths moon.

Earth facts

1.The earth is the only planet that supports life

2.About 7 million people live on the earth.

3.The earth has 7 continents.

4.The earth has land forms.

5.75% percent of earth is water.

6.The Earth is the a inner planet .

7.The earth is fragile.

8.The Earth takes 365¼ days to complete its orbit round the Sun.

9.The earth is the third planet from the sun.

10.The earth is rotating on its axis.

11.The Earth is 93 million miles, or 150 million kilometers from the Sun.

12.The earth is the 4 smallest planet.

13.The earth has 4 layers.

14.97% of earths water is salty and not drinking water.

15.The earth has one moon.

16.The earth is the only planet with liquid on its surface.

17.The earth has different types of minerals

18. The earth is not a perfect sphere.