¡Hola! Bienvenidos a la clase de Sra. Maló

¿ Cómo soy?

I'm a UT graduate. I have been at Canyon Vista for 16 years. I 'm a native speaker. I enjoy teaching Spanish and conveying an appreciation of the Spanish Culture and Language to my students, and in doing so preparing them for the Global World.

Sra. Maló Spanish Syllabus 1B

Salón (room) 327 Lecture Hall

Teléfono (512) 464- 8119

E-mail: vicki_malo@roundrockisd.org

Tutoring Time: Morning- Mon ,WED. Thurs., Fri. unless there is a meeting.

Afternoon-Mon. -Thurs.

!Bienvenidos a la clase de español!

Welcome to Spanish! You are here to learn how to speak, read, listen and write in the Spanish language. I am here to help guide you in your language journey. The expectations are great and with dedication you will be successful in my class. The following is important information that will help you throughout the year.

Please come prepared everyday (supplies, homework, etc.) and with a positive attitude. You are expected to keep up with all of the following:

1. assignments

2. participation in class

3. checking teacher website

4. STUDYING for tests and quizzes

5. completing projects

6. and coming to me and/or your peers for extra help when needed!

Grading –broken down as follows:

10% - daily work, oral practice, and homework

30% - Quizzes,Mini Projects

60 % - Summative Projects, Large Skits

Late Work:

Turning work in late will result in a deduction of points, and will not be accepted after a certain time period. One day late loses 10 points and 5 more points each day late.

Missed Days:

Absences can really cause a student to fall behind. Every effort should be made to get homework, quizzes and tests made up as quickly as possible. You are expected to make up work your within 1 week.

Classroom Rules/Expectations:

You are expected to …

§ be on time and come prepared

§ participate and stay on-task

§ be cooperative and respectful

§ follow all school rules and expectations


Necessary Supplies:

You are expected to bring the following to class everyday:

A composition notebook of 100 or more pages.

Pens and pencils

Notebook paper

Objectives for Spanish 1B

Students will be expected to know: Spanish 1A Objects In Level 1B

Numbers 1-100, Introductions and Greetings

Weather and Seasons, Months and Days

To Tell Time,ABC's,The countries and capitals

Know how to conjugate in the Present Tense

(ar,er,ir) verbs and stem changing verb.

Adjectives, Pronouns

Spanish 1 B

Food, Classroom, Family

Spanish Club will meet the last Thurs. of the Month.

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