Mrs. Langloss

Classroom Policies & Rules


If You Are Late

You are late to class if you are not inside the classroom when the bell rings. If you are late to class you will be counted tardy. After three tardies students may receive an office referral for discipline.

If You Are Absent

It is your responsibility to make-up any assignments or tests in a timely manner when you return from an absence. It is also your responsibility to find out what you need to make-up, I will not track you down.

If you have access to the Internet at home you may e-mail me at: and ask for missing work. Please include your name and class in the subject of the email. You can also e-mail work if possible.

Personal Devices

Access to the Internet must be related to educational/school-related purposes for my classroom, yes this includes access on your personal device. Personal devices (cell phones, laptops, tablets) are allowed and encouraged for use related to educational/school-related purposes only. If your device becomes a disruption or you are found using it for non-educational/school-related purposes, the consequences are as follows:

  • 1st Violation: Warning to put device away.
  • 2nd Violation: Device taken up until end of the period .
  • 3rd Violation: Device taken up and turned in the student’s Assistant Principal.

End of Class

Students will NOT herd up around the door waiting for the bell to ring. Stay in seat until released.

When We Have a Visitor

  • When we have someone come into our classroom that is not part of our class (teacher, administrator, student, parent, and guest speaker) you are expected to be respectful and polite to the visitor.
  • If the visitor needs to speak to me privately, I expect you to remain quietly in your seat until I finish speaking with the visitor.

Restroom Policy

  1. Take the pass from hook by door. Go to the NEAREST bathroom. Return pass to hook.
  2. If caught abusing the bathroom pass you will lose the privilege for the remaining six weeks.

Classroom Rules

Classroom Rules are here for your safety and the safety of those around you.

  1. Follow all rules as outlined in the student handbook including dress code.
  2. Respect the teacher and classmates (You respect the teacher when you do what she says, don’t talk back, do not touch her property without permission, and follow all classroom rules and procedures. You respect your classmates when you follow classroom rules and procedures)
  3. Follow directions (This means that you do whatever the teacher tells you to do without complaining, whining or arguing about it. Example: return books, go back to seat, copy from board, stop talking, etc.)
  4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself (This means you do not throw things, kick things, push people, hit people, etc.)
  5. No swearing, teasing, or name calling.
  6. Be in the classroom when the bell rings
  7. Computers and iPads are for CLASSWORK (the class you are currently in) and not play. Inappropriate use of the computers and iPads will not be tolerated and will be an automatic referral.
  8. Cell Phones may not be used during instruction time unless specific instructions allowing the use of them has been given.

Consequences for violating Classroom Policies and Rules

  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Detention & Parent notification
  3. Parent Meeting
  4. Referral