Welcome to 

First Grade!

We're so happy you're here!

Daily Schedule

7:20-7:35 Arrival/Morning Meeting

7:35-7:50 Social Emotional Learning

8:00-8:45 Writing Block

8:45-9:00 Snack/Story Time/Restroom

9:30-9:50 Phonics/Handwriting

9:50-10:20 Word Study

10:20-11:10 Reading Block


12:00-1:00 Math

1:00-1:30 Science/Social Studies

1:30-1:45 Leader in Me

1:45-1:55 Pack up

1:55-2:45 Specials

2:55 Dismissal

Daily Items

Please practice sight words with your students daily. The RRISD first-grade sight words can be found here.