October TSI

November TSI

December TSI

February TSI

March TSI

All testing begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 2:00 p.m. Please arrive a few minutes between 8:30 - 8:45 a.m. and park near the portables, then enter through the rear doors. If the doors are locked, the testing coordinator will let you in by 9:00 a.m. 

What is TSI Assessment?

The TSI Assessment is a program designed to help your institution determine if you are ready for college-level course work in the general areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. This program also helps determine what type of course or intervention will best meet your needs to help you become better prepared for college-level course work if you are not ready.

If you are an incoming college student in Texas, you are required to take the TSI Assessment - unless you are already exempt - to determine your readiness for college-level work. Based on how you perform, you may either be enrolled in a college-level course that matches your skill level or be placed in the appropriate developmental course or intervention to improve your skills and prepare you for success in college-level courses.

Are you exempt from TSI?

If the student has taken ANY of the tests listed below & met required scores, s/he does not need to take the TSI.  Copies of test results must be shared with Mrs. Meyer.

If  you meet any of these criteria you may be exempt from needing to take TSI:

Preparing for the TSI

Use the link below for more TSI/TSIA2 Preparation Websites.