Foldr Re-Signing In

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Why sign-out and back in?

- May fix any sync issues your device may experience

- May need to be completed in the event a user name changes

Foldr sign-out procedure

1. From the Home screen select the Foldr Icon

2. Select Sign-out if your account is already signed in.

3. Select the settings cog and then select Reset Keychain

4. When Reset Keychain prompt appears, select Yes, continue

5. Close the Foldr App. To do this double click the Home button and swipe the application up towards the top of the screen. Press the home button to return to the home screen.

6. Re-open the Foldr application by selecting the Foldr Icon

7. At the account prompt, enter your Shalom login username and password and select verify. If you do not know your Shalom login, please contact the IT Department

8. Select sign-in to complete the process and restore functionality