STEM Team Building Activities

Thursday, May 2, 2024


Senior homeroms should report to the Auditorium for a Senior Assembly after morning announcements.

Use today's Advisory to complete a STEM team building activity. Some ideas are listed below, but if you have another idea, go for it! Please do not use this time as a study hall for your homeroom.

How To Fit Through an Index Card

See if students can figure out how to use a single 3x5 index card and a pair scissors to fit their body through the card. Groups can work together to try and figure it out.

Build the Tallest Structure

In groups, students use either whatever they have or specific items of your choosing to see which group can build the tallest structure that stands on its own.

Build the Longest Paper Chain

In groups, students use just one piece of paper and tape or glue to try and build the longest paper chain possible. 

Build a Paper Table that Supports the Most Weight

Working in small groups in each homeroom, teams of students will compete to build a paper table that can support the weight of as many textbooks or other materials as they can. 

Other Ideas

Check out the website below for other easy, no prep ideas that just use paper: