Grade Specific Activities

Monday, March 25, 2024

Due to SAT Pre-Administration today, many students will be relocating to different rooms. Some homerooms will need to move for today (rooms 3009, 3025, & 3059). Several teachers of non-grade 11 homerooms will also be serving as proctors during the SAT and will therefore need to go to their testing rooms for today's Advisory. All students and teachers who need to relocate should do so after morning announcements.

9th & 10th Grade

Community Service

Remind students of the importance in completing their community service requirements and submitting their signed paperwork in a timey manner. A copy of the form is available below but should already be available to students on your Google Classroom. You may wish to also provide them with a printed copy of the form. 

Use today's Advisory to have students share the various community service opportunities they have participated in and to discuss different ways in which they can serve the community. They can also use today's Advisory to fill out the form for any community service they have not yet documented. Please remind students that they should be accumulating hours each year and that this will all work towards their 50 hour graduation requirement. 

Community Service Form

11th Grade

SAT Pre-Administration

Students will complete the SAT Digital Readiness Check. Please see materials sent out separately by Amy Carbutti. 

All students and proctors need to report to their testing rooms. A copy of the testing rooms is available below. 

12th Grade

Senior Assembly

Senior homerooms should report to the auditorium for a 12th Grade Assembly led by administration. Students will be reminded of various school policies and procedures as we head towards the end of the year.

Teachers should escort their homerooms to the auditorium after announcements.

Students should leave cell phones and belongings in their homerooms.

SAT Advisory Room/Teacher List
SAT Proctors March 2024