8th Grade Social Studies Stanford Academy

WELCOME! I am excited to begin a new year with all of you!

Our class agenda and most handouts will be made available through Schoology. (Don't forget that you must be logged in through your RUSD account to access this link.)

Use this site to further supplement your learning this year. If you have any questions, please contact me at lmeiers@rocklinusd.org or see me during school hours. You can also make an appointment to see me before or after school. I do have after school supervision on Tuesdays and Thursdays this year, so I would not be available until 3:30 on those two days.

I am not one for overloading students with a long list of classroom rules. In fact, there are just three main behaviors that I expect from my students: Accountability, Integrity, and Mindfulness (AIM).


Who am I?