The Russell Nurseries & Jim's Pitch Community Association


Eid Al Adha street party confirmed ofr June 16th 2024 1pm-6pm. Best dish competition winner wins a £20 Amazon Voucher! Winner to be announced at 5PM

Contact us!

Sign up for FoRNJPCA now for non-residents to join in the fun!

Find us :RNJPCA Head Quarters

The Aspern Centre, 1 Christie Court, 

3 Aspern Grove

 London NW3 2AB

0203 435 5593 (9am-5pm)


Sport England, through the National Lottery has agreed to fund our Youth Box Fitness programme!

Beginning Thursday 11th January 2024

 Term Time: Thursdays 6pm


Artwork sent in by you! 

Click on the paint pot to head to the Community Gallery!

The Butterfly Sanctuary Project

A great big thank you to HWCT for another fantastic grant for the 3rd year running!

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Food, company and some great activities on offer for free! 

Open to all Camden residents facing hardship from one challenge to another. 

From mental health to living with disabilities visible or not, we are here for you to provide a change in environment and support through hard times.

 You are not alone!

YOGA- 11:30AM-12:30PM

At present, the Green Space Guardians are clearing the Sensory garden paths and having a tidy up. 

Butterflies will be able to access the completely inclusive space on Tuesday Afternoons from 12pm-4pm alongside sports and the music room! Lunch provided !

4-5pm- support services

Let us help you sort out day to day independent living tasks!

5pm-7pm The Social Butterfly is back!!!! 

Two hours of  freedom in the centre to socialise, listen to music, dance, chill out... whatever you want to do 

If you would like to become a partner through in kind donations of food products or combine to create a mini project for The Sanctuary, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you!

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LITTER petition click here