Mission Statement

The Intervention Program develops students' skills and competencies, leading to greater academic independence and confidence in learning. The Interventionists teach literacy and math skills, identified by multiple measures, in a positive, supportive environment. The individual student's interest and motivation for the subject matter is maintained. The aim is to create an atmosphere where the child can succeed and gain confidence in him/herself.


The goal of Intervention is give students the opportunity to acquire the essential skills of the learning process. Students are expected to achieve academic growth to the fullest extent of their ability. Students will learn material based off of the New Jersey Learning Standards, and attain essential skills that will be assessed through teacher observation, student demonstrated skills and various assessments. 

The objective is to provide this instruction in a positive, supportive environment where the individual student's interest and motivation for the subject matter can be maintained. This is not a replacement program for academic areas, but is in addition to classroom instruction. The Interventionists attempt to remediate deficient skills in reading/language arts and math as identified by multiple measures in grades kindergarten through six. Intervention students will receive a progress check along with the standards based report card.