Message for Parents

Dear Parents, 

I have a thirty year plan for your children. Thirty years from now, I want them to be able to sing a lullaby to their own children, sing the national anthem with confidence, move to the beat, and read music well enough to participate in a musical group. I hope they will be able to attend performances and have a deeper understanding of the music as they listen. Above all, I hope and dream that my students will experience joy and human connection through music throughout their lives. The skills and content your children learn in music will lay a strong foundation for further musical study, and all of this is in addition to the immediate social emotional benefits of music class! 

Music Class FAQ's

How can I support my young musician?

For younger musicians especially, it helps to:

REPEAT! REPEAT! REPEAT! Help reinforce lesson content by repeating songs, rhythmic chants and movement activities from our class. Ask younger children to sing songs from class for you! Encourage them to "sing books," and make up their own songs about their favorite subjects, toys, food, etc.  When it comes to developing musical intelligence, the more repetition the better.

How is music class graded?

Every student receives a rating for Music class on their report card. Assessments in Music are based on the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, as well as participation in class. 

What if I have more questions about music class?

Your feedback on music class is much appreciated! Please email me with any questions or comments:

Best wishes for a wonderful, musical year!

-Mrs. Dent