Cybersmart | Atamai ā ipurangi

T3: Smart Relationships | Ngā Whakapiringa

Smart Learners know how to interact with others online and make smart decisions about what information is shared.

4th Mahuru  | 4th September - Rugby World Cup VIP pass


Today we are going to create a VIP pass for the Rugby World 

Visit the 2023 Rugby World Cup page to learn more HERE



Come together as a class:

Rugby VIP Pass.webm

Rewindable Instructions

28th Here-turi-kōkā  | 28th August - Let your Chromebook do the Mahi!

Today we are learning how to let our Chromebook do the mahi

Select to Speak & Dictation / Chromebooks

Voice Typing in Google Docs & Google Slides


Today we are going to learn how to use voice typing in a Google Doc. 


Watch the rewindable video to refresh your steps to voice type.


Come together as a class:

21st Here-turi-kōkā   | 21st August  - edublog update!

Today we are learning how to:


14th Here-turi-kōkā   | 14th August  - Game Design with Scratch

Today we are learning how to:


Scratch - design a game - Jumping Chicken
Scratch - design a game - Ping Pong
Scratch - design a game - Flappy Bird

31st Hōngongoi  | 31st July  - Questionnaire & Scratch 

Today we are learning how to:


Please click here to access the Student Questionnaire.

Just for Teachers ...  Questionnaire

Scratch - Matariki Stars


*Matariki Stars - OMG Tech

24th Hōngongoi  | 24th July  - Coding with Scratch 


Today we are learning how to create a new project in Scratch.


Example One - Square 

Example Two - Space


Waka Reo - with Scratch

Scratch Extras for Experts 

Check out these cool projects... what can you design?

Weather Simulator

The Weather Simulator project has intriguing elements and provides a one-of-a-kind experience. An interactive program, it enables you to simulate different weather conditions such as rain, snow, wind, and thunderstorms. They can also add different backgrounds and characters for an immersive experience. 

Virtual Piano

Music lovers can have a gala time with Virtual Piano as they are allowed to create musical compositions by pressing keys on a virtual keyboard.

 Not just that, they can customise the piano’s appearance and sound as well as the option to record and playback compositions.

 Flat Art Generator

Using Scratch, young artists can experiment with various colours and shapes to create a digital canvas that can be printed or shared online. Apart from that, they can add interactive elements such as animation and sound to their art pieces by using simple drag-and-drop coding.

Click here to view Weather Simulator Project

Click here to view Virtual Piano Project

Click here to view Flat Art Generator Project

| 4th September - Screen Capture to Record

Sun, Wind, or Rain?