Manaiakalani Cybersmart



  • Understand and demonstrate responsible use of their device as described in the Kawa of Care Responsible Use Student Agreement
  • Confidently navigate and harness their device and learning applications
  • Are mindful that being Cybersmart is staying up-to-date with our Cybersmart Curriculum

Term 3 | Week 5

Session 4: Google Drawing

This week we are learning about being smart learners in the way that look after our devices.

Learn | Ako

about how smart learners look after their devices.

Create | Hanga

SMRF a copy of the 'CREATE' template to create a DLO of our Kawa of Care.

Share | Tohatoha

Share your learning on Hapara!

Click the Blogger thumbnail to view our class blog.

Smart Learners use blogging to help them:

  • share their learning
  • share information about their place in the world
  • connect with other learners
  • practise being smart communicators
Te Arai Checkpoints

Fast Finisher? What a ninja! Next, have a go at this mahi by making a copy of the Google Drawing here:

Past Learn, Create, Share Lessons:

Session 5: Screencastify

Session 9: Sending an email

Session 2: Kawa of Care

Session 6: Smart Learners

Session 10: Smart Blogging

Session 3: Smart Learners

Session 7: Voice Typing

Session 8: Get Help