Achieving Skills For Life CBSP CBV PROCESS

This page has been created in order to help complete the necessary steps to fill out the application for services. Please keep in mind that when applying please do not schedule a student to go out during any of their core classes. Also we are looking for student that are ready to go out. You can put in an application any time during the year so please do not feel you have to put students out before they are ready to go. If you feel that there is something that should be added to this page to make it more useful please let me know

In order for a student to apply for services through the Achieving Skills for Life program they will need to have IEP goals and objectives to work on while in the program. One will also have to revise the students IEP before they will be able to participate. Please see the revision help page if needed IEP REVISIONS CBI/CBV

Please keep in mind the student going out to be assessed on skills they should already have been working on within the classroom environment. Think of our program as a final assessment.

There are two separate applications one if for Community Based instruction and the other is for Vocational Based Instruction. The easiest way to fill out applications is to click on the directions links found below as they have steps and the links you will need to guide you through the application process. The applications can be found here Community Based Instruction Applicaiton and Community Based Vocational Application Take note that we are using a generic goal with measurable objectives.
