salāmun ʿalaykum

About Me

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! My name is Zaineb Al Saadi and I am excited to spend this school year with your wonderful children inshāʾAllāh. I currently reside in Dearborn, Michigan.

I’ve spent most of my life working in school environments either as a tutor, Sunday school teacher, paraprofessional, Saturday program principal, and now, a teacher. I have seven years of teaching experience, alḥamdulillāh. I'm grateful for this new opportunity to teach at RISE Institute.

Teaching Philosophy

Together as a classroom community, we will not only strive to reach higher levels of education but to also reach higher levels of all things Good (Godly). This will embody characteristics such as the following: passion, respect, kindness, positivity, self-improvement, and responsibility.

Educational Background:

Bachelors of Arts - University of Michigan


The Standard Teaching Certificate (k-5)

Major in Integrated Science (6-8)

Minor in Mathematics (6-8)

7 years of teaching experience