Opinion Pieces

The Fundamental Principles of Cosmology

I have written this article to instill an interest in the world of physics and the beyond-earthly expanse in my generation. I hope this little insight into the world of what governs the universe will ignite a spark of interest in your mind and invoke a certain degree of enthusiasm.

There are vast amounts of occurrences and phenomena to be observed within the world we live in, but the one that appears to cause the most confusion, misunderstanding and awe appears to be the expansion of the universe. To comprehend the notion of an expanding universe, we must first understand what causes this expansion and its mechanics. Firstly, conventional matter constitutes a pathetic 4.9 percent of the universe’s mass, about 4 percent of which is interstellar gas clouds and the last less-than-percent represents the total mass of all genuine bodies, such as stars and planets. The rest, 95.1 percent, is dark “matter” and dark “energy” combined, about 68.3 percent of which is dark “energy” with the rest 26.8 being dark “matter”. The so-called dark “energy” is the constituent that accounts for this expansion. We have no clue of how exactly this mysterious whatnot affects the expansion of the universe, but we do know that it does. The result is the Hubble space constant, which states how fast spacetime expands per megaparsec of space and the value of which to date with the 16th of July of 2019 appears to be 69.8 plus minus 1.9 kilometers per second per megaparsec- a seemingly insignificant value, but upon taking the radius of the universe into account, we derive an expansion rate of approximately 997,850 kilometers per second- a value more than three times that of the speed of light. Now arises the question of how does light reach us, if spacetime at the edge of the universe expands faster than light?

The answer to this question lies in Hubble’s law: the universe expands at a certain speed equally at every point in spacetime, meaning that there is not a center, even though there is a certain location to where the universe began. This also means that dark energy (unlike dark matter) is equally distributed across the universe. Therefore, nothing except for the universe itself is expanding or moving at the speed of light- it is the change of the geometry (size) of spacetime. The observable universe is also not a fixed medium of space: it is essentially a gigantic bubble that moves with you as you move through spacetime.

Step a meter to the right- you see one meter more of the universe in that direction. The observable portion of the universe is also constantly increasing in size, since electromagnetic radiation from further and further points of space eventually reaches us. A somewhat acceptable description is a spring: imagine that both ends of the spring are being pulled apart with an equal force, while you are in the medium of the spring. Both ends are moving away from you at an equal speed, but if you move closer to either end- the speed of expansion of the opposite end of the spring seems to have increased, while it seems to have decreased in the direction where you have moved. This example, on the other hand, also has a significant flaw: the object has a shape. We simply do not know what the geometric entirety of the universe represents, so we cannot assume a form.

Conversely, there will also be an “end” to the universe. A multitude of proposals has been made, all of which are theoretically possible. The defining factor on what exactly will happen first is ,exclusively, time. The two most widely accepted theories are the the Big Chill and the Big Rip. First, we must consider a critical parameter the knowledge of which is fundamental to the understanding of the end of the universe: The critical density of the universe. This is the average value of the density of conventional matter per cubic meter of space at which the universe will stop expanding. With that being said, we can now discuss the theories.

The first and most commonly accepted theory is the theory of the big chill, which states that the universe will never reach the critical density and will always stay lower than its value due to its infinitely accelerating expansion and according to the second law of thermodynamics will eventually turn into a uniform substance, maximizing its entropy and preventing work from being done. The universe will become infinitesimally dense as it expands for an infinite amount of time. This means that gas clouds will no longer be able to congregate into stars, nucleosynthesize elements and repeat the cycle. All existing matter will be consumed by a hypermassive black hole merged from congregating black holes from all across the universe, which will, in turn, emit the entirety of their mass via hawking radiation, eventually turning the universe into an infinitely sized “soup” of extremely low wavelength electromagnetic radiation.

The theory of the Big Rip proposes a moderately different cascade of events. The Big Rip states that, due to the increase of the scale factor (as a consequence of the expansion of the geometry of spacetime), the four fundamental forces of the universe will, at some point, no longer be able to maintain their effectiveness. Electromagnetic radiation will gradually not be able to reach anything due to the extreme rate of expansion and the universe will turn completely dark. Thus, the cosmological density in this theory is also always lower than the critical density of the universe. As the observable region of the universe becomes smaller than any potential structure, the forces in the universe begin losing control over matter. Everything gradually disintegrates into subatomic particles and the universe turns into a soup of elementary particles and diluted electromagnetic radiation as it proceeds in eternal expansion.

By Michael Anisimov

Is Gaming Bad for You?

Video games provide a fun escape from reality, though they are often looked at in a negative manner. Some people think of them as violent, lazy and a waste of time. The debate between parents and kids has lasted for years. So do video games have any positive effects?

First I would like to say that too much of anything is bad. So if you do nothing but play video games, the negatives probably outweigh the positives.

Having said that, many studies have shown an increase in cognitive* functions after playing video games. One study in particular had participants play Mario 64 for thirty minutes a day for two months. Afterwards the brains of these participants saw an increase in grey matter* in the areas of memory, strategic planning and fine motor skills of the hands compared to those who haven't played.

Action games can also increase attention to detail. 5-10 hours of action gaming a week can train your attention level. This is because your brain is actually more efficient in the regions associated with attention. Many games are being used in schools as effective teaching tools for both young and old. They can even help kids who suffer from dyslexia. In a small study, children who played regular video games ended up reading faster and more accurate. Once again relating to attention skill.

So, as you can see, games are not that bad for you, but even quite the opposite. Of course, as I mentioned earlier, having too much of anything is never a good thing. Even if we are talking about video games here.

*Cognition: Cognition refers to "the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.

*Grey matter: Contains most of the brain's neuronal cell bodies.

By Alexey Gretchman

The Educational Benefits of Video Games

Most children like video games, but their parents, who think that they can only make people stupid, don’t. But is it true? If not, what benefits, firstly educational, can they bring to your children?

Here are some skills that video games can improve.

Teamwork and coordination:

While most video games are singleplayer, so only one person can play in them at the same time, there are also a lot of multiplayer games which can’t be played without other people at al l- or they can be, but with great or even unreal difficulty. By playing with other people, you can use each of your strengths and work better, and it is a very helpful skill in life.


A lot of games make you concentrate on what is happening. Someone falls on the left, a shot far on the right and lights going on around you. You are trying to find a pen in the room with twenty desks and five cupboards in 3 minutes. After finishing ten levels, your concentration and attentiveness will grow, but only if you do it regularly and the difficulty of levels increases all the time in order not to make you rest so that your skill decreases.


In some games you need to remember things to solve levels, which improves your memory and makes you remember more things faster.


Very similar to the attentiveness section, but not at how good you can find something, but how fast you react to something. You hear a shot on the left and you wouldn’t go there because it can be quite dangerous and not profitable at all. In the middle of the battle you need high speed of reactions and attentiveness to fight successfully and not be beaten in the first three minutes of the battle.


It sounds strange, but it is. In most games you must remember certain amounts of health, damage, speed and durability of different things. In some games there is the market (where for in-game currency you can buy or sell different things). So for some simple (or not) mathematics will be usable and will not degrade, as much as they could, or can even be improved. Also, some games are based on maths and would also improve your maths skills.

It sounds very good and it is so! Unless you try to play games during the school day or instead of doing homework. In this case, you will need to spend more time than your classmates on catching up because you were just not concentrated on the lesson.

So yes, it is good, but only at the right time and amounts.

By Leon Filippov

Thoughts about School Uniform

Throughout history and since the first school was open for visitors, students had to follow certain rules. Every century, some of these rules changed. But one of the few things that remained unchanged in some private schools were school uniform rules and regulations. However, as we all know, the majority of modern schools decided to cancel it. Then the main question is: ‘ Is school uniform so important and does it affect the learning process in a negative or a positive way?’ We know that every decision has its pros and cons. Every parent, teacher and student can mention some positive aspects, but I think that we have overlooked some negative sides.

Specifically in our school students have to spend almost the entirety of their school lives wearing uniforms. But is this rule reasonable enough? It goes without saying that every student in our school has to wear the following: A tie, black shoes, white shirt, and dark blue trousers or a skirt. At some point it is obvious that generally such rules help some students with poor economic situations in their families not to feel excluded and different from the others. On the other hand, it causes many problems, inconveniences and discomfort for students and teachers. For example, this rule is responsible for a variety of undesirable conflicts which have happened last year. Administration and teachers always had to make comments on students’ clothes and footwear, suspend them from classes and send them to the headteacher. The controversy about wearing a tie and black shoes lasted the whole year and brought up the fact that the majority of our students consider the restriction useless. That is why our psychology teacher had prepared a survey for students in which she asked some questions referring to their opinion about uniforms. The results showed that 87% of students would like to see some changes in the rules. Therefore it is clear that excessive number of needless rules can lead to unwanted conflicts.

The most common argument our students mention is that School uniforms prevent self-expression. Personally I believe that this is the most significant negative side of wearing uniforms too. Now, let's zoom in on the problem in terms of psychology and take into consideration the fact that every person tries to convey a certain image, wants people to perceive their personality in a certain way and see them in a certain way. We know that the way other people treat you directly depends on your style, your method of presenting yourself. How you look and how you are dressed are the most considerable constituents of your image. School uniform is the exact thing that hinders your attempts of having a certain image and presenting it to your audience.

Some people say that school uniforms help to concentrate on the learning process. On one hand this is true, of course students must not wear overly provocative/bold suits which are not appropriate for school, due to the fact that when a child is dressed in clothing suitable for the learning environment, it helps him and his classmates to focus on studying rather than fashion. On the other hand, the restriction can bring a student even more inconvenience than a permission to wear casual clothes. Especially for teenagers, the way their peers treat them, in fact, forms their self esteem. Every teenager feels more comfortable when they have an opportunity to express themselves as they want, and in these conditions kids are less likely to experience distress, feel like being out of place and react defensively in unfamiliar surroundings. Based on the summation of aforementioned facts we can conclude that a teenager feels more self-assured while wearing an outfit which is comfortable for him. Thus, don't you think that remitting some school uniform rules will help children to feel more comfortable during a school day?

Undoubtedly, rules are necessary in order to prevent misunderstanding between two sides. It is needless to leave students’ fashion absolutely without any control. However, school uniform rules do not need to restrict students too much. Teenagers need to have an opportunity to choose what to wear in school and to have the ability to wear comfortable clothes. If administration shows some understanding and empathy in this case, students’ attitudes towards studying certainly will not change in a negative way.

By Anna Masalova

Alternative Thoughts about School Uniform

Most private schools in the the U.K. have fixed uniforms that students have to wear. These uniforms are mostly a set made of: a shirt, tie and a blazer. But why exactly is it that many private schools around the world choose to use uniforms as their dress code?

In England uniforms are worn in 90 percent of schools and only 10 percent have no dress code to worry about. Should you choose a uniform or non-uniform school? Let's go over the positive and negatives of both and make a conclusion to what we like more.

A study has shown that uniforms in 2015 cost on average £213, and of course are required to be purchased, which can be difficult for some families. Schools also tend to be very strict with their uniform policy. They keep one supplier and that is the only one you can purchase from, which means they can set a high price that you will have to pay if you wish that your child will join the school. Taking the route of going to a clothing store and buying a similarly looking piece of clothing, sadly, won't work because, if the school finds out, you don't wear the exact uniform as from their store, you will be forced to buy it.

We went over the negatives, now it is time to talk about the positive aspects of wearing a tidy outfit and, trust, me there are more good things than bad things. Uniforms make a school look like a serious environment with the intent to make their pupils succeed, making uniform free schools look of lesser quality . It makes its students look like they are a part of an organization. Some people believe that uniforms sharpen focus and increase academic level. Possibly the most important thing is that students don't have to worry about pressure when it comes to their clothes. When everyone is dressed the same there, worrying about how you look isn't that important. There is no competition about what expensive brand you have or don't have. Yes, uniforms can be pricey, but it is much cheaper than buying a whole wardrobe of clothes, and you need to buy it once a year maybe even less if you don't grow out of it.

In my opinion, a uniform is a good thing, I would also like to wear everyday casual clothes but there is a time and place for that. School is like work, you need to look appropriate and not to violate the policy.

By Alexei Gretchman

Social Media Dangers

Every week we get a new trend and follow it, but not really understanding why. Some people are running for the auditory, others to have some attention, but most just use it because it is popular right now. Youtubers and TikTokers are the most vivid examples of this. They make content which is in trend to get more views and so much more money or attention. In this way, people can do what they don’t like and feel bad.

By doing what they don’t like, people can become very nervous and depressed. This can provoke less concentration and less aspiration to do the work they have to do. This can reduce their salary or marks and so make them even more depressed, and then only psychologists can help them.

Also, not only can social media apps change you and your mental health, but also different magazines and TV programs. Self-destruction happens when people see luxurious possessions of rich people, compare themselves with those rich folk,s and feel very unnecessary and insignificant because they haven’t got the same wealth and they think that it is unreachable.

Due to the prevalence of the internet, people now communicate less with each other in real life and communicate more online, more by messages, and less by calling each other. This makes people be and feel very nervous when speaking face to face with other people.

For some people, their virtual life becomes more important than their real life and they get very antisocial in real life and may require the psychologist's help to get back to the material world.

All these points mentioned above are the dangers that await a person who uses social media too often!

By Leon Filippov

Social Network Addiction

In recent decades, a rapid development of different social networks has affected our everyday social life. Nowadays, people spend most of their free time using mobile phones and a variety of the most popular social networks rather than communicate in person. Some people, especially teenagers and children, seem to be addicted to that kind of social media.

In my opinion, some teenagers use social networks too much. At first it doesn’t seem to be a harmful activity, but after zooming in on the problem, we could notice that this kind of addiction can affect your health and lifestyle in a negative way. Some teenage girls can’t imagine their lives without having and constantly uploading their Instagram and Tik Tok profiles. Researchers at Chicago University concluded that social media addiction can be stronger than addiction to cigarettes. Recently, for the reason that nearly every person keeps a profile in at least one social networking site, it is hard to tell when a habit crosses the line into a damaging addiction and becomes a dependency, the one which prevents you from doing different activities and living a full life.

However, from another point of view, sometimes social networks can be the most convenient form of communication. For example, in recent days, all people have to stay at their houses until the quarantine is over. These events are the cause why people need to use social networks: they are the only solution to that problem.

To conclude, I'd like to say that social networks can cause addiction and it is important to take account of time you spend using them. Of course, in some cases they are useful and even irreplaceable, but there is no need to post every moment of your life.

By Anna Masalova

What Happens When People Overdose?


Overdoses are a serious problem. In 2018 there were as many as 67,000 drug overdoses in America alone. Overdoses are the top cause of death for people under 50 year old in the United States, killing more than car accidents and homicides.


So what causes these overdoses? A class of drug called opioids is a significant driver of drug overdose deaths. In 2018, they took part in approximately 70% of all fatal overdoses. Opioids are a class of pain-relieving drugs, including everything from prescription such as morphine and hydrocodone, to illegal drugs like heroin. When used correctly and under guidance of a healthcare professional, they can be very helpful to relieve pain.


If you take more than prescribed, or use illicit drugs, your risks of an OD* increases. To make matters worse, two powerful opioids called fentanyl and carfentanil are commonly found in a large range of street drugs, together with cocaine, MDMA and methamphetamine. Combining the usage of opioids with alcohol or other drugs can greatly increase your risks of respiratory depression*. Combining alcohol with other depressants makes the two substances work together to intensify the negative effect.


Opioids slow down the central nervous system including breathing. Alcohol is classified as a central nervous system depressant, meaning that it slows down brain functions in neural activity. A high dose of opioids could cause you to stop breathing completely.


The typical symptoms seen in an overdose are pinpoint pupils, respiratory depression and decreased level of consciousness. These effects can vary but some signs that a person is going through an overdose include a weak pulse and clammy* skin. They may also show bluish skin around the lips, small pupils and experience low breathing.


Opioid overdose is not always deadly. There are things that can be done to save a life of someone experiencing an overdose. An important thing is to get air into a person's lungs. If there are trained professionals around, call for help so that they can perform artificial respiration*. If not, call an ambulance.


Opioids are a very serious drug, you even risk death if not taken in the right proportions. There is no purpose for it to be taken without prescription from a doctor. If you suffer from any type of drug addiction including opioids you should consider a drug rehabilitation. It's now or never!


OD: Over-Dose. Mostly used in the slang way as in, it went past the limit

respiratory depression: Respiratory depression refers to a failure of the lungs to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen.

artificial respiration: the restoration of someone's breathing by manual or mouth-to-mouth methods.

clammy: unpleasantly damp and sticky

By Alexei Gretchman

Air Pollution in Cities

In recent times, technological changes are happening and engineering is progressing. As such changes are happening, cities are getting full of cars, plains, and other enrapturing kinds of technology. Now people aren’t intending to stop building new cities and making new fascinating inventions. However, any coin has two sides…

Nowadays many big cities with developed infrastructure are suffering from countless problems related to air pollution. Let's think about the biggest and worldwide famous cities in the USA : Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Seattle. Or the biggest cities in the most populated countries: Beijing and Tokyo. From pictures on the internet and on magazine covers they look like illustrations for utopia books. However, we can look at them from a different perspective and notice many horrible things. The majority of the most crowded cities are covered with smog, which is caused by the collection of dust and different types of toxic gases caused by the combustion of different fuels. In some cities, the inhabitants have to wear facemasks just in order to stay healthy in such conditions.

Peoples’ and animals’ well-being is affected by air pollution. Birds are escaping from polluted areas, wildlife is out of the question in such conditions too. Air pollution can also affect wildlife indirectly. Atmospheric ozone can stop growth of a various plant species, which are sources of food for some animals. To see how air pollution really affects nature, let's look at how nature cleared up during the quarantine; animals are returning back to places which were their habitats a long time ago, less smog is forming.

So I think that we have to look after the environment. Every person can do something good for our world and it would not affect his life and budget in a negative way. It is not hard to do something helpful, for example; you can just do regular car check-up, buy energy-efficient vehicles, or turn the light off when you aren’t home. Doing this is even less costly, but beneficial for you.

To conclude I’d like to sum up aforementioned arguments and ask you a question:
If you know that you can rectify the situation, why don't you do it? Together, we can make a difference.

By Anna Masalova

Why the Minimum Voting Age Must Not Be Lower Than 25

There has always been extensive controversy about the voting age problem throughout a range of countries in the world, with the best examples being the US and the UK. This article is aimed at scientifically and logically explaining why lowering the voting age is counter-productive to the political wellbeing of any country.

From a biological standpoint, the human brain is not completely developed until the age of age 25. This is when the frontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for reasoning, judgment and problem solving, concludes its development, meaning that this is the age at which a person becomes most competent at making rational decisions. This is by far the most important quality in individuals who constitute a group of people responsible for electing officials who have the power to determine the long-term future of a country throughout the course of their term(s). This is the primary reason why the voting age must not be lower than 25 years old.

Increasing the voting age also means decreasing the pool of voters and increasing the amount of life experience per average voter. Having lived 25 years as opposed to 18 or even 21 gives an additional minimum of four years of insight into the environment the voters live in. This will allow for more sophisticated analysis of a country’s existing problems and a larger information intake, allowing for a diversified spectrum of issues and more efficient prioritization of these issues that are taken into account. In other words, a 25-year-old voter will have 4 years’ more worth of life experience from which they can gather information about the environment they live in and better decide what must be improved upon and/or changed in contrast to a 21 year-old voter. This will make the interests of the voter more relevant to society as a whole, benefiting the entire country’s population instead of themselves.

A traditional counter-argument against increasing the voting age threshold is that every individual possesses an inherent ability to vote. Globally, meritocracy in the context of voting is superior in contrast to a right system due to the timed development of the frontal cortex. Having a right does not grant competence in the ability to fulfill that right, which directly applies to voting. This is why the only relevant criterion for gaining the ability to vote must be a developed frontal cortex instead of an “inherent and natural” ability automatically granted to an individual upon being born.

In conclusion, a country’s voting age must never be lower than the proposed threshold of 25 years old primarily due to the accordingly timed development of the frontal cortex and the additional experience granted to the voters by the larger time frame.

Do you want the voter community of your country to be competent or not? Only you can decide.

By Michael Anisimov

Why We Must Implement Unbiased Political Enlightenment

Most of us who have ever attended any kind of election remember this fear of making a tough choice. Some of us might’ve made their choice because they were influenced by their parents/friends or by political agitation, commonly seen in the modern world, some of us might’ve picked a random point in the ballot. How many people actually made a wise decision with a prior research of each candidate’s political agenda? Not many.

Various governmental statistics show how neglected is the problem of political education among the youth. For example, statistics from the 2014 US House of Representatives elections show a 19% turnout among people from 18 to 29 years of age. The main reason for this is because they either know nothing about their country's politics, or don’t care as nobody explained to them why their vote actually matters. This is exactly why we should implement unbiased political enlightenment in our schools.

Why political enlightenment? Because it’s helpful. In the UK, more than 21% of younger Brits don’t know who they will vote for. With political enlightenment, our kids will know more about our own country’s internal and external politics and will be eligible for making better, more balanced choices not only during elections, but during every time they need to make a tough decision.

It can also be said that our children are already studying a bunch of subjects and adding one more will be a tremendously irresponsible action. However, everyone will agree that the school should prepare you for nothing but life. Hence, without a clear understanding of your country's internal mechanics you will never ever be able to make a valuable choice when your country needs it most. In a scenario like this, our nation will never break out of the prison of political bewilderment.

Don’t want to see our nation falling down to the depth of ignorance? Good news for you, you can fix it! Cast your vote for our educational initiative, save us from political degradation!

By Tim Zhevlakov

The Negative Effects of Overpriced Sanitary Products

We use toilet paper every day, but we only get a small amount for a large sum of money. Experts recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day, but how to do it when toothpaste is so expensive? Let’s look at this closely and understand how we can change this situation.

Toilet paper costs so much because of corporate greed. The average price of toilet paper in the UK is about 3 pounds per roll, which is quite a high cost for such a basic thing as toilet paper. Toilet paper in reality only costs 25 to 50 pence to produce, and 1 pound to transport and sell it. But instead of putting a 10% or 20% markup, manufacturing companies double the price to get maximum from us, naive customers, who buy this product without any idea of great price increment.

After you found out the average cost of basic products such as toilet paper and toothpaste, let's fight for our rights and make them become available for everyone to buy. While the experts (like dermatologists) recommend using sanitary products at least twice a day, many people can’t afford them due to prohibitively high prices set by manufacturing companies. Thereat, people get skin diseases which can lead to terrible consequences. To avoid this problem, we must force companies to reduce sanitary products cost.

But even for this strong argument there is an opposition: “businesses have the freedom to put whatever price they want”. Yes, this is true, but the price should be reasonable and it should not be too high for the everyday products. Otherwise, people's desire to buy these products could fade away and the companies could be forced to reduce the prices to stay afloat. This will give ordinary people an ability to buy sanitary products in acceptable amounts.

The result of this analysis is that the main reason for high cost of toilet paper is manufacturers’ gree,d which is supported by our inaction. We can change it by making companies reduce prices by not buying their products and leaving them without income.

By Leon Filippov