What is RIOP?

RIOP’s works with modest income elders and adults with disabilities to improve access to health care, transportation, and community-based services. RIOP trains community residents to be active in their communities around the issues that are important to them. Community residents are trained to tell their stories, organize their friends and neighbors, and work with public officials to make policy changes that benefit the community.

RIOP 2024 Updates

RIOP’s 2024 Priorities





RIOP’s Accomplishments 

Some of RIOP’s most recent accomplishments include:






Thanks to our many coalition partners for working with us to improve health care, transportation, and home care for the elderly and disabled. Our coalition partners include Voices for Better Health, Save RIPTA Coalition, and Raise the Bar.

Support House bill 7333 and Senate bill 2399 to increase the income limits for the Medicare Savings Program. Call your state representatives and senators. Tell them raising the income limit will allow 15,000 more seniors and disabled adults to become eligible for the MSP. 

Kennedy Plaza

RIOP is pleased to announce that RIPTA reopened the Photo ID office at Kennedy Plaza in the Spring of 2024. The Photo ID office processes the elderly/disabled reduced fare bus pass and the No Fare Bus pass. RIOP has been advocating for the reopening of the Photo ID office for the past two years. The online system for processing RIPTA’s bus passes is too cumbersome for many elderly and disabled bus riders.


RIOP will continue to advocate for improvements at Kennedy Plaza. Much work needs to be done to improve security and the infrastructure at Kennedy Plaza. It’s critical that Kennedy Plaza be maintained to the highest standards. The current conditions at Kennedy Plaza are a deterrent to attracting new riders and undermine confidence in RIPTA and the transit system.


New RIPTA Transit Center

RIOP remains opposed to the creation of a new central bus terminal. RIPTA must prioritize improving bus service before it embarks on a new bus terminal. We also question the wisdom of building a new terminal when Kennedy Plaza could be renovated at a fraction of the cost. Kennedy Plaza is more than adequate to meet the current and future transit needs of Rhode Island bus riders. The central location and large footprint of Kennedy Plaza also make it far superior for handling bus traffic than any of the proposed new terminal locations.


Call or email Governor McKee and urge him to maintain Kennedy Plaza as the Central Bus hub. Governor McKee’s phone number-401.222.2080Email-governor@governor.ri.gov



Save RIPTA Coalition


RIOP is a member of the Save RIPTA Coalition. The Save RIPTA Coalition is advocating for more funding from the General Assembly to help RIPTA eliminate its operating deficit, increase pay for bus drivers, and expand service.


Call your State Representative and State Senator to urge them to support more funding for RIPTA.

Self-Directed Home Care Programs 

In 2019, RIOP worked with SEIU 1199 and several community organizations to create the Independent Provider Program .The program was designed to assist the elderly to hire a homecare worker directly rather than go through an agency. Our goal was to expand the pool of homecare workers by allowing the elderly to hire friends, family, and neighborhoods to help them with their homecare needs.

 In 2023, the Independent Provider Program was merged with the Personal Choice Program. The two programs share similar goals and will allow both the elderly and disabled adults who are eligible for Medicaid LTSS to hire the worker of their choice for their homecare needs. 

For more information about the Personal Choice Program call 401-462-6393.


Expanded eligibility for the @Home Cost Share Program


The RI General Assembly increased eligibility for the At- Home Cost Share program to 250% of the federal poverty limit. This is a critical program for Medicare only seniors who are having trouble affording the cost of homecare and adult day services. The At- Home Cost Share program assists elders with homecare (housekeeping, personal care, and meal prep) or adult daycare services.  The state assists eligible seniors 65+ by paying a portion of the cost of these services.  Adults between the age 14-64 with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia are also eligible for the program.

 For information on the @Home Cost Share Program, call the Point at 401.462.4444

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (MTM)

RIOP will continue to work to improve the performance of the current NEMT vendor MTM. We want to make sure that MTM riders are getting to their appointments in a timely and safe manner.

  Our main goals for 2024 will be to improve on time performance, eliminate driver no shows, and improve reliability in the outlying areas of the state .

If you are experiencing problems with MTM or would like us to speak with your organization or building to discuss non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) call the RIOP office. (401.351.5577)


RIOP will also be sponsoring listening sessions to develop our organizing agenda for 2025. If you would like RIOP to visit your organization or hold an online listening session call or email RIOP.   Phone-401.351.5577. Email-riorgproj@gmail.com


The RIOP listening sessions have been an important tool to help community members feel less isolated and recognize that many of the issues they face are shared by others. The listening sessions have also helped RIOP keep community members engaged in our ongoing homecare, health care, and transportation campaigns.


RIOP's Weekly Community Call

Every Monday at 3:00 pm.

1 304-907-1262 PIN/CODE: 566 593 713#

 How has your life changed?

  How has the pandemic affected you?

 Have you been getting the information you need  to keep you safe?

  Do you have any problems accessing food? What services do you need that you aren’t currently getting?

  Are you getting the at home care you need?

 We want to hear your concerns, issues and suggestions on how we all can remain safe, informed and connected with others.

  For more information about RIOP’s community call.

Contact Ray Gagne or Marjorie Waters 401-351-5577

Integrated Care Initiative

Improving Health Care for Dual Eligible Medicaid and Medicare Recipients

RIOP supports the goals of Rhode Island’s  Integrated Care Initiative (ICI) for Medicare and Medicaid recipients. The health plan, (Neighborhood Health Plan Integrity) for dual eligible Medicare and Medicaid recipients has helped reduce prescription co-pays, improved access to homecare, and helped community residents navigate the healthcare system.

RIOP also provides ongoing guidance and support to consumer members of the Implementation Council for Integrated Care Initiative. The Implementation Council is designed to give community residents oversight and input into the ICI.

Due to changes in Federal Rules,  Rhode Island’ s Integrated Care Initiative for joint Medicare Medicaid recipients will end in December 2025. RIOP will be working with community residents and state officials to ensure that the new health plans offered in 2026 provide the same high quality health care services as NHP Integrity.

For more information about RIOP’s Campaigns 

Contact Executive DIrector/Lead Organizer: Ray Gagne OR

Community Organizer: Marjorie Waters

Call: 401-351-5577 or Email: riorgproj@gmail.com

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