Dynamics of primordial black hole formation

The workshop "Dynamics of primordial black hole formation" will be held in person at Rikkyo University (Ikebukuro campus). This workshop focuses on the dynamics of primordial black hole formation. It aims to provide a place for exchanging the recent results of researchers working on this subject and discussing further prospects in the near future. Only invited speakers will give a talk, while discussions among participants are most welcome. Registration will be closed if the number of the participants reaches the room capacity.

Guidelines for Preventing the Spread of COVID-19: Japanese,  English

Dynamics of primordial black hole formation 

Date: March 10(Fri) ~ 11(Sat), 2023

Place: Room A203, Building No.11 in Ikebukuro campus, Rikkyo University, Toshima, Tokyo.

Registration: here

Participants list (pdf) : here 

Invited SpeakersAlbert Escrivá (Nagoya U.),  Tomohiro Harada (Rikkyo U.),  Katsuya Hashino (Tokyo University of Science; Peking U.)Kentaro Kasai (ICRR, U. Tokyo), Yasutaka Koga (Nagoya U.),  Kazunori Kohri (KEK; SOKENDAI; Kavli IPMU)Takafumi Kokubu (Kavli IPMU),   Jason Kristiano (RESCEU, The University of Tokyo),  Kai Murai (ICRR, U. Tokyo)Ilia Musco (INFN, La Sapienza University of Rome; Rikkyo U.),  Daiki Saito (Nagoya U.),  Takahiro Terada (IBS),  Koichiro Uehara (Nagoya U.),  Chul-Moon Yoo (Nagoya U.)

Program : here 

Venue : here 

Poster : here 

Scientific Organizing Committee: Ilia Musco (INFN, La Sapienza University of Rome; Rikkyo U.),  Chul-Moon Yoo (Nagoya U.),  Tomohiro Harada (Rikkyo U.)

This workshop is supprted by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) "原始ブラックホールのスピンの理論的予言 (Theoretical prediction for the spin of primordial black holes) 19K03876" (PI: Tomohiro Harada), and Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A) "原始ブラックホール・巨視的ダークマターの探究 (Investigation of primordial black holes and macroscopic dark matter) 20H05853" (PI: Chulmoon Yoo).

Contact: Tomohiro Harada (harada_at_rikkyo.ac.jp)