Chat with Global Lounge Staff

Come talk to the Global Lounge staff (either International Office or student staff!) when you want to…

 ・Hear more about Global Lounge events or tell us your ideas!

 ・Have a casual chat about Japan, life in Japan, or just tell us about your week

 ・Share any troubles or concerns about your daily life in Japan

All international students are welcome! See staff introductions and schedules below. 

Who am I going to talk with?:

Student Staff 

International Office Staff

Jacob Bowdle

Hi! I grew up near Seattle in the US, went to the University of Washington, during which I studied abroad in Kyoto, Japan for one year, and have spent about 9 years working in Japan since then (except for a couple years back in the US for graduate school). I can tell you about Global Lounge events and programs, or we can chat about Japan or anything you want :)  

When and where can I talk with them?


※You don’t need to make a reservation. Just come to the Global Lounge and say hi to us during the scheduled times!
The schedule may change certain weeks when there are other Global Lounge events. We will make note of those changes on this page. 

・Thursdays, 14:25~15:25 until July 19 at Niiza Campus (Building 8 Floor 1)
 Staff: Yujin
・Tuesdays, 15:50~16:50 until July 19 at Niiza Campus (Building 8 Floor 1)
 Staff: Sota
・Fridays, 13:55~14:55 until July 19 at Ikebukuro Campus (Mckim Hall M2 Floor)
 Staff: Ha
Wednesdays, 13:55~14:55 until July 19 at Ikebukuro Campus (Mckim Hall M2 Floor)
 Staff: Hinako


You can also set up a meeting on Zoom during the times above by sending an email to Jacob at

What language can I talk with them?

Not all student staff are completely fluent in both English and Japanese, but you can talk with us in either language, whichever you are more comfortable with!
 If you have any questions, feel free email us!