
Ridgewood Public Schools provides regular updates to the school community regarding the pandemic response and reopening plan, schedule modifications, program enhancements, and more. For your reference, these communications can be found below. Correspondence from the superintendent's office can also be found on the Communications page of the district website. COVID notification letters can be accessed here.

rps e-Alerts

Letters from the superintendent

Updated RPS Covid Policies - February 28, 2022

February 28, 2022

Dear Ridgewood Public Schools Community,

The District has updated its health and safety protocols in response to the State mandate requiring in-school universal masking that will expire on March 7, 2022. These changes have been made in consultation with the Village of Ridgewood Health Department and the School Physician after careful review of the revised NJDOH guidance.

For the past two years, the District has followed the guidance on pandemic protocols for schools provided by state and local officials, and we will continue to do so. That being said, the lifting of the mask mandate and the updated guidance have given districts flexibility and the opportunity to make adjustments that balance community protection and personal choice. If circumstances evolve in such a way that poses concern, the District will work with the local health department to establish specific revised protocols.

K-12 Mask Policy in Schools

Effective March 7, 2022, the Ridgewood Public Schools will pivot to a mask-optional policy for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Please note the exception under Isolation/Quarantine. Research shows that masks offer strong protection against the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses. Anyone who chooses to continue to wear a mask should feel comfortable and welcome to do so, and those individual choices will be respected and supported. For families who choose to continue to wear masks, we ask that you discuss your expectations with your child. Please recognize that this is an agreement between you and your child; teachers and staff will not manage each family’s mask expectations.

Glen School and Infant Toddler Development Center (ITDC) Mask Policy

While the Ridgewood Public Schools are pivoting to a mask optional policy, students at Glen School and ITDC will not be required to wear masks. However, since they are not eligible to be vaccinated, masks are strongly recommended.

Transportation Mask Policy

While the NJDOH recommends masks to be worn on school buses, it is no longer required by the CDC and will be up to the comfortability of each family and individual.

COVID Screening

COVID testing will continue to be offered on Wednesday afternoons at Benjamin Franklin Middle School. Testing will be available to staff members from 3:00 - 3:30 p.m. Students and community members may take advantage of on-site testing from 3:30 - 6:00 p.m.

Isolation/Quarantine/Mask Requirements

The NJDOH recommendations for Isolation and Quarantine remain the same. Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 or who have COVID-19 compatible symptoms should stay home and isolate for five (5) full days (day 0 is the first day of symptoms). Masks should be worn in school on days 6-10. Those students who are unable or unwilling to mask should stay home for the full 10 days and not return to school until day 11. View the infographic on the website.

Contact Tracing

The Village of Ridgewood Health Department will continue to conduct contact tracing protocols. The current quarantine guidelines remain in place for students and staff members who are not fully vaccinated and are identified as a close contact.

Cleaning/Disinfecting Procedures

All spaces will continue to be cleaned daily using the three-step process, which includes use of hospital-grade disinfectant on hard surfaces.


Lunch protocols at each building will continue to be flexible, and adjustments will be made based on staffing and space.

Preparing the Students

To prepare the students, building principals will be implementing school-based activities and messages to ensure a smooth transition for all. Students are still reminded to continue to watch their distance and wash their hands.

COVID Dashboard/Reporting

The COVID Dashboard on the District website will continue to be updated daily to reflect any cases that are reported to the District; however, the daily email notifications to the RPS community will be discontinued as of March 7, 2022. Please note that the District may not be aware of all positive cases.

Final Words

We appreciate your cooperation throughout the past two years as we have pivoted and adjusted to ongoing, evolving situations. The high vaccination rates in Ridgewood and our region combined with a significant decline of local COVID-19 metrics have brought us to a point where we feel confident that we can take a significant step toward returning to normalcy in our schools.


Thomas A. Gorman, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

Update on the School Mask Mandate - February 7, 2022

February 7, 2022

Dear Ridgewood Public Schools Community,

Today, Governor Murphy announced that the State’s school mask mandate will be lifted effective Monday, March 7, 2022. According to this announcement, districts will have the ability to set mask requirements for students and staff once the Executive Order expires.

We are currently awaiting the release of official guidance and recommendations, which will help us establish our own mask policy. However, it looks like the District may be able to pivot to a mask-optional policy for all staff, students, and visitors, as originally planned prior to the start of the 2021-2022 school year.

I understand the mask fatigue that students, staff, and parents are experiencing and applaud the fortitude of the school community. This has been a long road, but despite the challenges, we are continuing to move forward together. I ask that everyone remain patient as we await further information. We will share an update on the mask policy as soon as possible.

With spring just around the corner, this news gives a renewed sense of hope and brings us one step closer to normalcy. Thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding.


Thomas A. Gorman, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

Updated NJDOH Guidance for K-12 Schools - December 31, 2021

December 31, 2021

Dear Ridgewood Public Schools Community,

I hope you and your family have enjoyed some time together over the winter break. Yesterday evening, the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) announced Updates for K-12 Schools: Isolation/Quarantine Timeframes and Recommendations for Very High COVID-19 Activity Levels.

The NJDOH Update for K-12 Schools provides additional guidance for the Very High (Red) activity level, as well as clarifies that the CDC has not yet applied the recently revised isolation and quarantine timeframes for the general population to K-12 schools. According to the document, the CDC is currently reviewing and updating guidance for specific settings, including schools. Therefore, at this time, it is recommended that K-12 schools continue to follow the quarantine and isolation guidelines outlined in the NJDOH COVID-19 Public Health Recommendations for Local Health Departments for K-12 Schools.

Quarantine and isolation guidelines remain as follows:

COVID-19 Positive (regardless of vaccination status): 10-day isolation/exclusion

COVID-19 Exposure (close contact with full vaccination): no quarantine/exclusion required

COVID-19 Exposure (close contact without full vaccination): 7-day quarantine/exclusion with a negative test on day 5, 6, or 7

COVID-19 Exposure (close contact without full vaccination): 10-day quarantine/exclusion without negative testing.

The District will be collaborating with WellCare, TCCM, to provide additional testing events during the upcoming weeks. Once the schedule has been determined, testing events for January will be emailed to the RPS community and posted on the COVID Dashboard.

The District is committed to providing full-day, in-person instruction, and we are planning to reopen schools as scheduled on Monday, January 3, 2022. The only exception applicable is if an individual school is unable to safely staff a building or classroom.

With that said, it is important that all families are prepared for any change to the instructional model based on local COVID-19 data and recommendations from the Village Department of Health, New Jersey Department of Education, New Jersey Department of Health, or Executive Orders. Please be advised that schools are not permitted to proactively transition to remote instruction. Any decision must be based on the guidance set forth by the New Jersey Department of Health and made in conjunction with the Village Department of Health.

We wish you a happy and healthy new year!


Thomas A. Gorman, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

Monitoring COVID - December 23, 2021

December 23, 2021

Dear Ridgewood Public Schools Community,

Over the past four months, the Ridgewood Public Schools have remained open full time and have educated students in as close to normal settings as possible. Our success is the result of a collaborative community effort in adhering to District Covid protocols and necessary precautions. By doing so, our students have continued to receive an excellent education, interact with classmates, and engage in athletics, arts, and activities to enhance the learning experience.

Over the December Recess, we will closely monitor the number of Covid cases in Ridgewood. We fully intend to return to school on January 3, 2022 for in-person learning. However, we are prepared should a transition to remote learning occur anytime after January 2. Any decision to pivot from in-person instruction will be based upon the data and recommendations from the Village Department of Health, New Jersey Department of Education, New Jersey Department of Health, or Executive Orders.

Please be advised that schools are not permitted to proactively transition to remote instruction as it must be based on the guidance set forth by the New Jersey Department of Health and made in conjunction with the Village Department of Health.

We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable recess.


Thomas A. Gorman, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

Mid-summer Update on the 2021-2022 School Year - August 6, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians:

I hope you are enjoying a relaxing summer. Faculty, staff, custodians, and maintenance crews have been working hard to prepare for a successful and positive start to the 2021-2022 school year. Nearly 300 staff members have participated in summer professional development to re-examine a balanced approach to teaching and learning, while focusing on Social-Emotional Learning and building a classroom community to prepare for the transition back to full-time, in-person learning.

2021-2022 School Opening

Ridgewood Public Schools (RPS) will be operating on a full-day schedule with lunch for all students. The District will follow all current health and safety protocols in accordance with guidelines for PreK-12 schools as recommended by the Governor’s Executive Orders, NJDOH, CDC, NJDOE, and the Village of Ridgewood (VOR) Health Department. RPS will collaborate with the VOR Health Department, School Physician, and District Mental Health Coordinator to determine local guidelines while considering the risks/benefits of the physical/mental health needs of the students and staff.

The goal of the District is to operate at pre-pandemic norms while implementing strategies to reduce risks to students and staff as described in The Road Forward: Health and Safety Guidance for the 2021-2022 School Year. The 2021-2022 FAQ will answer many of your questions about the upcoming school year. The 2021-2022 School Year - The Journey Forward page on the website has also been updated and is a valuable resource for parents.


Mask Policy

Governor Murphy announced and signed Executive Order 251 that all students, faculty, staff, and visitors will be required to wear face masks in school buildings for the start of the 2021-2022 school year. The Executive Order is effective on Monday, August 9, 2021. The District will continue to monitor guidance from the State and collaborate with the VOR Health Department to monitor local data should districts be permitted to make decisions on the local level.

Masks are required on school buses as per the Federal Order.


According to the CDC, vaccines are safe and effective at preventing COVID-19, can reduce the risk of people spreading COVID-19, and are effective against variants of the virus that causes COVID-19, including the Delta variant. Everyone 12 years of age and older is now eligible to get a free COVID-19 vaccination. While vaccinations are not mandatory, they are an effective means to help prevent outbreaks within the school community. Vaccination rates are an important data point used in determining risk for transmission. Learn more about the COVID-19 vaccination.

To assist with contact tracing, copies of vaccination records can be voluntarily submitted to the school nurse.

VOR Health Department Vaccine Drive

The VOR Health Department will be hosting a vaccine drive for students. Two dates are currently being considered, and incentives will be offered to encourage participation. Students who are already vaccinated can present their vaccination card at the drive to receive the incentive. The tentative dates are August 19 and September 9. A flyer with more details is forthcoming.


As per the NJDOH, staff and students with COVID-19 compatible symptoms who have not been tested OR individuals who have tested positive may not attend school and must complete a 10-day quarantine. Close contacts of an individual who tested positive must quarantine based upon community transmission levels. See the 2021-2022 Operations Plan for more details.


Building Tours

All schools will be holding tours for students who would like to be reacquainted with their school building prior to the start of the school year. Students who were fully remote last year are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to help ease the transition back to school. Families who are interested in a tour should reach out to their principal.

Academic/Mental Health Support

A Multi-Tiered System of Supports is available to meet the academic and mental health needs of diverse learners. If you believe your child is experiencing difficulties, please reach out to your principal.

School Videos

Each school will be sending a video home to families explaining what to expect during the school year. Important information about health and safety protocols will be reviewed.

RPS Road Forward Presentation

The RPS Road Forward Presentation with all principals will be held on Monday, August 23 from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Education Center. This event will also be livestreamed from the BOE Webcast page on the website. Parents will have the opportunity to ask about the protocols for the school year.

Mandatory Annual Student Information Update

Parents will be receiving a postcard about the Mandatory Annual Student Information Update through Skyward that will open Saturday, August 14. This process must be completed in order for families to be able to view student schedules.

Back to School Night

Back to School Night will be held in person this year. Principals will be sharing dates and more details.

Final Words

This year’s theme for the faculty and staff is “Gratitude.” We all have much to be grateful for as we transition to the new school year. We are looking forward to reuniting the RPS community in September. Enjoy the rest of your summer!


Thomas A. Gorman, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools