WBL Course - CS4RI High School Grant

Work Based Learning Course- You've just been hired to help develop a product- you'll work with a group and an industry mentor through the design process.

Be ready to present your project by the end of the semester!

Here are some class projects from others who have taken this course to help you get ideas and understand expectations.  Keep checking back- we will add more!

Community Organization Websites:

 These groups helped school and community organizations by building  websites. Your group could do the same for an organization or club in your school or any local group.

East Providence Fire Dept.

Click on the pictures above to visit the sites. Some schools may not allow you to visit google sites outside of your domain. You may wish to try looking at the sites at home.  You can get to this website by typing in tinyurl.com/cs4riwbl.

Start-up Company Website

Have an idea for a business or new product?

- if you don't have time to fully develop the product, you could create a website that may help to explain your thoughts and ideas.

Student Orangutan Service

Welcome to the Student Orangutan Service official website. Orangutans and a lot of the other monkeys are slowly becoming extinct due to their homes being destroyed. We are 5 students who decided to come together and help save them.

Tu Tu Tutoring

On this website you can easily set up an appointment with a tutor in your virtually for FREE! You can also learn about all of the different subjects we tutor students in. Our subjects range from grades K-12. By navigating to the Tutors page you can learn about all of the great tutors we have to offer. You can also find out more about us on the About Us page. 

Lake Mount Clean Water-What are we?

A group of people that are trying to help create a safe and healthy enough substance to increase the possiblites of clean water becoming a reality even if it ultimately seems impossible.  We are doing this because we are well aware of the dangers of not making an effort and to reach out help from others including friends, family and different organizations with the same goals.

Industry-related  Website

Maybe learning about your mentor's business or field will lead you to create a product or website related to it.

Sample Projects from the curriculum: 

The WeWalk, RI Wellness, and Providence Block Party websites may have been shared in class as sample projects.

Take a look at them carefully and think about how they may serve their users. Can you think of some improvements? Are you left with any questions? Is any information hard to find?   Thinking of these things may help you designing your project.

The Project Prototype Rubric will also help you understand what your project needs to include. Remember-your teacher may be using a slightly different rubric so be sure you to confirm with your teacher the project expectations.

Other Student Resources: 

Sample Student Presentation template - you may find this helpful to put together your project presentation: choose make a copy under file to create your own and start preparing

 CS4RI Course Syllabus - your teacher may have customized this a bit for your class, but this will give you a good overview of what to expect.

CS4RI Computer Science Role Models: Not sure CS is for you? Check out these CS Role Models and read about how they made their way into a career using computer science.

CS4RI Student Spotlight:  Hear from a couple of EP High School students about their journey into computer science careers that they are starting while still in school!

CS4RI Former Student Spotlight: Hear from Lily Sisouvong who has gone from Classical High to URI in her CS journey.

Ready for more? Visit this Code.org site for your next step

This course is a chance to learn about the software development process used in industry and explore careers in Computer Science (CS) and skills necessary for success in the field. 

Your goal is to work with a group to create an Industry Project, which is a  form of work-based learning (WBL).  

The class lessons go through the four primary steps of the software development process: 

You will learn about the concepts in class with your teacher and work in small groups with an Industry mentor throughout the course to create an original software product.

 At the end of will present your project to a review panel of industry professionals.