
Where to find the subject in the Library

The number for sociology generally is 301.  There are, however, a whole range of aspects of sociology at 302 to 307. Social interaction, which deals with interpersonal relations, communications and socio psychology is at 302. At 303, you can find social processes such as social control at 303.2, social change at 303.4, and social conflict at 303.6.  At 304, you will find factors affecting human behaviour, including human ecology and the environment, and population. Social groups as classified by age, gender, class, language or ethnicity will be found at 305, and social culture and institutions, such as the family, will be at 306.  At 307 will be found works on communities, population sizes and composition, structure, and redevelopment.

Social problems and welfare are found at 361 to 365.  For example, environmental problems such as climate change are at 363.7.  Population problems are at 363.9, and crime at 364.

Key resource for A-level Sociology




Sociology Review magazine explains challenging topics in psychology, has up-to-date articles and advice from subject experts, teachers and academics, and regular features to improve your performance in exams. 

Issues Online is a great place to explore research, studies and statistics on social issues. 
Hard copies of Issues magazines available in the Library

There are interesting articles in the Sociological Review 



Sociology Resources for Schools

From Balliol College, Oxford.

Updated March 2023