Religious Studies: Philosophy & Ethics

Where to find the subject in the Library

General works on religion, its nature, practices and beliefs, may be found at 200.  Christianity is at 230, Buddhism at 294.3, Hinduism at 294.5, Judaism at 296, and Islam at 297.

General works on philosophy are found at 100.  Dictionaries and encyclopedias of philosophy are at 103, and general history and biography of philosophy at 109.  Moral philosophy, or ethics, will be at 170.  For ancient, medieval and Oriental philosophy, go to 180.  For modern western philosophy the number is 190.

Things to read ...

Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

Richard Dawkins, the Blind Watchmaker

Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari

A Little History of Philosophy, Nigel Warburton

Things to listen to ...



Thinking Allowed is a BBC podcast featuring new research on how society works.  In Our Time: Religion and Philosophy feature selections of episodes from the BBC’s long running show about the history of ideas. Morality in the 21st Century  is a BBC radio series by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, with contributions from sixth form students.  You may also enjoy The Global Philosopher (BBC) - with Prof. Michael Sandel  

Things to watch ...

Further studies

Introducing Philosophy of Religion is a 12 hour MOOC from the Open University.

Places to visit





Philosophy Resources for Schools

From Balliol College, Oxford.