
Where to find the subject in the Library

The general number for psychology is 150.  Numbers between 152 and 158 will cover specific aspects.  Biological aspects of psychology, including sensory perception and emotions, are at 152; the conscious mind, and topics such as intellegence, learning and memory are at 153.  Subconscious processes such as sleep are at 154; individual and developmental psychology will be at 155; comparative and animal psychology are at 156; and applied psychology, including counselling, is at 158.  Clinical and abnormal psychology will be found at 616.89.

Key resource for A-level Psychology

Things to read ...

Things to listen to ...

Things to watch ...

Further studies

Places to visit




British Psychology Society - website with interesting information and articles.

The Guardian has a Psychology section full of interesting articles online

Psychology A-Z - Cambridge University's Department of Psychology's research goes from how groups of neurones in our brains interact with each other, to how groups of whole individuals can behave very differently from when we are on our own. These studies include a diversity array of poulations, including different cultures, personalities, genders and age groups. Psychology is truly a subject about and for, everyone!


Search 'Psychology' on BBC Sounds and TED talks.  TED has a playlist of Fascinating Psych ExperimentsLouis Theroux has made a number of documentaries that are available on BBC iPlayer including 'A Different Brain'.

PodcastsAll in the Mind (BBC) explores the limit and potential of the human mind;  The Psychology Podcast gives insights into the mind, brain, behaviour and creativity;  Speaking of Psychology, produced by the American Psychological Association, takes a deep dive into psychological research of contemporary issues. 

MOOCs: Psychological research, obedience and ethics is a free course from Open Learn


Psychology Review magazine explains challenging topics in psychology, has up-to-date articles and advice from subject experts, teachers and academics, and regular features to improve your performance in exams. 

Issues Online is a great place to explore research, studies and statistics on social issues. 
Hard copies of Issues magazines available in the Library





Psychology Resources for Schools

From Balliol College, Oxford.

Updated March 2023