
Where to find the subject in the Library

The general number for politics and government is 320.  Other topics relating to political science will be found between 321 and 328. For example systems of government such as democracy, republics and Communism are found at 321; political processes including elections are are 324; information on political parties is found at 324.2.

Key resource for A-level Politics


A variety of newspapers

The Prime Minister - Steve Richards

The Prime Ministers we never had - Steve Richards

The Prime Ministers - Iain Dale

How democracies die - Steven Levitsky

The irony of democracy - L Zeigler


The rest is politics

Pod save the world

BBC Newscast


Prime Ministers Questions - every wednesday at midday

Question Time

Yes minister.

Yes Prime Minister.

Frost/Nixon (2008)

Further studies

Internation politics - France/Russia/Brazil/India/China 


Houses of Parliament

The Old Bailey

Supreme Court of the United Kingdom

Holyrood - Edinburgh

Senedd - Cardiff



Civil Service







Museum curator



Work - Preparation for September

Newspapers and magazines

Register for free access to the Financial Times. 
You can read The Economist magazine online via Hertfordshire Libraries.
Issues Online covers a wide range of topics including Citizenship, Immigration and Parliament.

Podcasts and Multimedia

Talking Politics Podcast with David Runciman and Helen Thompson.
Talking Politics: History of Ideas explores some of the most important thinkers and prominent ideas lying behind modern politics.
The History of Now is from Cambridge University's History Faculty. Cambridge American History Seminar is a weekly podcast, featuring discussions about current research.
Declarations: The Human Rights Podcast explores contemporary debates about politics and human rights.
Interventions: The Intellectual History Podcast introduces historians and their work to everyone with an interest in history and politics.
From Our Own Correspondent features quality BBC radio reporting from around the world.
Oxford Politics is a recommended podcast.


Useful websites for Politics includes: BBC News Politics and CNN.
Squashed Philosophers is a political philosophy website.  Party politics can be found at labourlist.org and conservativehome.org.

The Political Studies Association, Parliament UK, United Nations, Chatham House and Amnesty International are all useful sites to follow.

Public Information Online online access to all the UK's Parliamentary Publications, including bills, command papers, acts and daily Hansard.  Login with your Herts library card.

Pre-chewed politics log in with your own individual account details  



British Government and Politics – Reading List:

US Government and Politics – Reading List

Political Ideologies - Reading list:


Politics Resources for Schools

From Balliol College, Oxford.