
Where to find the subject in the Library

General works on Physics will be found at 530. Specific aspects will be given numbers between 531 and 539. For example, mechanics is at 531, sound at 534, and modern physics including atomic and nuclear physics at 539.  For applied physics, look in the 621s.  For example, electronics engineering is at 621.38, and heat engineering at 621.4.

Key resource for Physics




BBC Inside Science Dr Adam Rutherford and guests illuminate the mysteries and challenge the controversies behind the science that's changing our world. 

Discovery (BBC World Service) great science based explorations. 

In Our Time: Science (BBC) explores scientific principles, theory and the role of key figures in the advancement of science. 

The Infinite Monkey Cage Brian Cox hosts a weekly science show taking a witty, irreverent look at the world through scientists' eyes. 

Oxford Sparks by Oxford University features science podcasts (and videos).

RI Science from The Royal Institution features thought-provoking lectures. 

Science in Action weekly round-up from the BBC of science news. 

Science Vs takes on fads, trends, and the opinionated mob to find out what’s fact, what’s not and what’s somewhere in between. 

Science Weekly from The Guardian looks at the big discoveries and debates in biology, chemistry, physics. 

Titanium physics podcast


Isaac Physics

Physics insight and understanding comes through doing physics, in particular solving problems. Isaac is designed to offer support and activities in physics problem solving to teachers and to students transitioning from GCSE, through Sixth Form, to university.

Institute of Astronomy

The Institute of Astronomy are offering a series of online public astronomy talks via their YouTube channel and the chance to 'Skype a Scientist' and be connected with an astronomer for a space-related chat, a Q+A session, or just to discover new images and videos.


Biology Resources for Schools

From Balliol College, Oxford.