
Where to find the subject in the Library

Information about mathematics is found between 510 and 519.  General books covering the whole field of mathematics are at 510, maths dictionaries are at 510.3, and the history of mathematics is at 510.9.

General mathematical principles are at 511.  Algebra is at 512; arithmatic at 513; topology at 514; analysis at 515; geometry at 516; and probabilities and applied mathematics at 519.

Things to read ...

Seventeen Equations that Changed the World by Ian Stewart

Professor Stewart's Hoard of Mathematical Treasures by Ian Stewart

Things to make and do in the fourth dimension - Matt Parker

Humble Pi by Matt Parker

Alex's Adventure in Numberland (Alex Bellos)

A History of Mathematics (HA Freebury)

A History of Mathematics (Vera Sanford)

Mathematics - An Illustrated History of Numbers (Tom Jackson)

Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles

Hello World - Hannah Fry

The Indisputable Existence of Santa Claus by Hannah Fry and Thomas Oléron Evans

Fermat’s Last Theorem by Simon Singh

The Hidden Mathematics of Sport by Rob Eastaway

The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets by Simon Singh

Why Do Buses Come in Threes? by Rob Eastaway

Maths on the Back of an Envelope: Clever ways to (roughly) calculate anything by Rob Eastaway

How Many Socks Make a Pair?: Surprisingly Interesting Maths by Rob Eastaway

Can You Solve My Problems?: A casebook of ingenious, perplexing and totally satisfying puzzles by Alex Bellos

The Music of the Primes: Why an unsolved problem in mathematics matters by Marcus du Sautoy

Game Theory: Understanding the Mathematics of Life Paperback by Brian Clegg


Maths Resources for Schools

From Balliol College, Oxford.