
Where to find the subject in the Library

Most works on history are somewhere in the 900 section of libraries.  General works on history as an academic discipline are in the early 900s, including 900 itself, 907 for aspects of the study of history, and 911 for atlases of history.

General world history covering many countries and periods is at 909.  Ancient history is in the 930s.  Modern history of various countries will be at numbers between 940 and 999, for example, European history is in the 940s, South African history is at 968.

The history of particular subjects will be found with that subject, for example the history of science at 509, and the history of music at 780.9.

Key resource for History

Things to read ...

Jeremy Paxman - Empire

Nelson Mandela - Long Walk to Freedom

The fatal shore - Robert Hughes

The Indian Mutiny - Saul David

The presidents: 250 years - Iain Dale

Scramble for Africa - Thomas Pakenham

Dictionary of National Biography — biographies of over 55,000 people who shaped Britain, from earliest times to the present. Login with your Herts library card

History Today — quality history articles, available to read without subscription

Things to watch ...

iPlayer: History — all the BBC TV shows about history, in one place

Long walk to freedom (2013)

Alexander Hamilton (2015)

The Butler (2013)

Things to listen to ...

BBC Sounds

The rest is history

Dan Snow's history hit

History Extra (the website for BBC History and BBC World Histories magazines) features a range of podcasts on different historical periods. 

Dan Snow’s History Hit learn about some of the most iconic and influen- tial moments in the world’s past. 

The History Hour (BBC) an hour of historical reporting told by the people who were there. 

In Our Time: History (BBC) explores historical themes, events and key individuals from Akhenaten to Xenophon. 

Witness History (BBC) history as told by the people who were there. 

50 Things That Made the Modern Economy — podcast about design, technology, history, business and politics


iPlayer: History — all the BBC TV shows about history, in one place

Places to visit

British Museum

Imperial War Museum

The National Archives



Civil Service







Museum curator

Further studies

The Cold War

The American War of Independence

Dutch colonisation of South Africa

Churchill Archive - Historical database with access to both the Chartwell Papers and the Churchill Papers.

History Resources for Schools - From Balliol College, Oxford. 

Recommended for those interested in studying History at university


Year 11 into 12 summer transition work

Task - Starter for 12 History