
Where to find the subject in the Library

Physical geography is at 910, historical geography at 911, and atlases and maps at 912.  Geography and travel in the ancient world is at 913.  You will find the geography of specific continents and localities at 914-919.  For example 914 is for geography and travel in Europe, ands 917 for geography of North America.

Other aspects of geography elsewhere in the Library include geology at 551, ecosystems at 577, economic geography at 330.9, and social or human geography at 304.2.

Key resource for Geography

Things to listen to ...

Ask the Geographer podcast

National Geographic podcast

BBC Business Daily whilst discussion of relevant issues to the business world, the diversity of topics is vast and they usually focus on topics in the news providing a wealth of up to date case study material and insights into geographical issues that are happening in the world today. 

The Inquiry (BBC) gets beyond the headlines to explore trends, forces and ideas shaping the world. 

School of Geography & Environment (University of Oxford) features lectures, seminars and interviews. 

Unreported World (Channel 4) sends its reporters to the most-neglected parts of the world to shed light on countless untold stories of people which go unreported and bring them into the public eye. 


Geography Resources for Schools

From Balliol College, Oxford.