
Where to find the subject in the Library

Information about art is found in the 700s.  Sculpture is in the 730s, graphic art and design, including crafts, is in the 740s.  Painting is in the 750s, and printmaking in the 760s.

Things to read ...

Handbooks about General Art Theory

● Isms….Understanding Modern Art

● Why Your Five Year Old Could Not Have Done That by Susie Hodge

● Thinking About Art: A Thematic Guide to Art History

Books which will help you structure text when studying Art

● Ways of Looking: How to Experience Contemporary Art - Ossian Ward

● How to Write About Contemporary Art - Gilda Williams

Wider Reading

The Story of Art – Gombrich

Studies in Iconology – Panofsky

Durer to Veronese – Dunkerton et al.

Ways of Seeing – John Berger

The Embarrassment of Riches: An interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age – S. Schama

On Photography – Susan Sontag

The Italian Painters of the Renaissance – B Berenson

The Nude and Landscape into Art – Kenneth Clark

Anatomy – Francesco Clemente

Andy Goldsworth: Sculpture 1976–1990, Friedman

Richard Long: Walking The Line, Moorhouse

Picture This Century, Woolf

Wall And Piece Century, Bansky

Art In Context, Hobbs

Rembrandt’s Eyes, Schama

Secret Knowledge, Hockney

Eye Witness Art: Perspective, Cole

Understanding Installation Art: From Duchamp To Holzer, Rosenthal

Things to watch ...

Things to listen to ...

Places to visit ...

Further studies

Activities ...

Year 11 into 12 summer transition work  ...