
Where to find the subject in the Library

Most works on history are somewhere in the 900 section of libraries.  General works on history as an academic discipline are in the early 900s, including 900 itself, 907 for aspects of the study of history, and 911 for atlases of history.

General world history covering many countries and periods is at 909.  Ancient history is in the 930s.  Modern history of various countries will be at numbers between 940 and 999, for example, European history is in the 940s, South African history is at 968.

The history of particular subjects will be found with that subject, for example the history of science at 509, and the history of music at 780.9.


Bernard Cornwell - Sharpe series

Bernard Cornwell - Saxon stories

Neil Gaimon - Norse Mythology

Schindlers Ark - Thomas Keneally

All quiet on the Western Front

Time travellers guide to medieval England




Local History

National Museums

Further studies

Local History

National Museums

Career options

Possible career options include:


The Historical Association run a number of competitions for secondary school students, including the 2023 Write Your Own Historical Fiction Competition.