Key Stage 3 Super-Curriculum Resources

Things to read ...

Year 7
Introducing yourself: link complete some of the activities on the page, produce a card and write a text to accompany it in 3rd person

Borrow some French reading scheme books from the MFL Library (ask your teacher). How much did you understand? Write new words which you want to try and use in your own work

Year 8 

Short Literary Extracts Enjoy completing these holiday-related literary activities, including a short poem about the sea. Have a go at writing your own short poem.

Borrow some French reading scheme books from the MFL Library (ask your teacher).

Year 9 Discussing clothes: link complete activities on page 25 of your Dynamo 3 textbook: can you record a running commentary of a fashion show, describing the clothes?

Things to watch ...

Watch the Peppa Pig video L'anniversaire de Georges how much could you understand? Could you summarise the video in 1 sentence?

Log on to Linguascope and click on the icon Video clips on demand, La boutique magique Episode 1 practise singing the song and could jot down any new words to introduce yourself?

Watch some of these BBC Teach clips which will help you build on your prior learning. Sing along to some of the songs. Can you keep a list of new words you pick up from what you watch?

Things to listen to ...

Year 7 

Introducing yourself: link complete some of the activities on the page, produce a card and write a text to accompany it in 3rd person

Listen to and read the French version of Snow White 

Year 8 

Short Literary Extracts Enjoy completing these holiday-related literary activities, including a short poem about the sea. Have a go at writing your own short poem. 

Year 9 

Discussing clothes: link complete activities on page 25 of your Dynamo 3 textbook: can you record a running commentary of a fashion show, describing the clothes?

Listen to and read the French version of Chicken Little 

Listen to a TedTalk about the importance of learning languages 

Further studies

If you have Netflix, try switching the audio to French and subtitles to English when watching your favourite series.

Change the settings of your phone or games console to French for 1 week

I'm good at languages, what job can I get?


Can you record a video introduing yourself in French?

Can you design a poster about a French speaking personality introducing themselves in French?