Student Tutoring Association

Failing or Faltering Grades?

Not understanding new material?

Need an extra boost in a difficult class?


Need a tutor?

1. Stop by the library.

2. Speak to Mrs. Kimmel about what you need.

3. She will set up the 1st appointment with the tutor and give you a pass.

4. Go to the appointment.

5. Meet with your tutor throughout the year as needed!!

Want to be a tutor?

1. Stop by the library.

2. Speak to Mrs. Kimmel about what you want to be a tutor for.

3. Fill out the information she will share with you.

4. Watch the training information.

5. Wait to be scheduled with another student in need!!

Want an online tutor from a major university?

1. Try TutorMe!

2. Follow THESE INSTRUCTIONS to access.

3. Ask Mrs Kimmel or Mrs McCorry if you need additional assistance.

All peer tutoring takes place during 5th Block unless a special arrangement has been made.

You can also contact Mrs. Kimmel: