The Refugee Festival 2023

8-10 September 2023 

The Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall

About the Festival

The Refugee Festival was founded by renowned investigative journalist, Mahi Ramakrishnan, in 2017 through the first event that was held at the Black Box in Publika in August that year. Its success and the heart-warming feeling it brought to the participants and visitors alike led it to becoming an annual event for another 4 consecutive years after that – the pandemic, notwithstanding, the last refugee festival in 2021 was conducted online. Each of the festivals offered an interactive and entertaining way for audiences to engage with refugee communities through their cultural expressions including music, dance, art and storytelling. 

A bazaar was also held at the live events, allowing refugee chefs and artisans to respectively share their flavours and craft to visitors. The festival also provided a unique opportunity to raise awareness about the experiences and challenges faced by disenfranchised communities in Malaysia both through dialogues on stage and the informal interactions in the hallways and at the bazaar - increasing the chance for collective understanding and appreciation of these diverse cultures. It is our goal that this in turn will lead towards a more open, safe, an welcoming environment towards refugees and migrants in Malaysia.


(updated on 7/9/2023)


Refugee artists and independent photographers share their arts and photographs on different issues.

Panel Discussions

Refugee speakers and other experts talk about several issues such as education, careers, language and culture, among others!


Mouth-watering homemade food and snacks made by refugee chefs. Not to mention several crafts and handmade products!


Live music, dance, poetry, among other mesmarizing talents on stage!

Film Screenings

A few films will be screened and followed by Q&A with the filmmaker and people featured on the film!


Exciting interactive workshop sessions and activities lined-up at the festival!

Friday - Sunday (8th - 10th September 2023) 

Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall 
