Ms. Torres

Welcome Falcons!

Thank you for visiting the Counselor's Nest. I am excited to be your school counselor. I am looking forward to meeting you and your families.

This website will provide resources and activities that will help promote social, emotional, and academic development. I am also available via email and phone to speak with students and families.

Can we talk?

If you would like to request counseling support please use the forms below to make the request. I will contact you by the end of the next school day.

Ms. Torres's Contact Information

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 7:00 AM-3:00 PM


Direct: (661) 402-1574 (call or text)

Office: (909) 307-5530 ext. 54340


If you need support during the non-school hours please contact the following:Crisis Text Line: Text "HELLO" to 741741National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255Trevor Project Lifeline (Available 24/7; Confidential Suicide Hotline for LGBT Youth): 866-488-7386Emergency Situation: 911


Please understand that confidentiality cannot be guaranteed via phone conferences. We will make every effort to ensure a confidential conversation, and as always, we will notify the appropriate persons if any of the following come up in our conversation:1. Someone is hurting you2. You want to hurt someone3. You want to hurt yourself

Friendship and Calm Down Rooms