Microsoft Excel

Excel for Data Analysis and More

Learn to use basic functions in Microsoft Excel for creating graphs and streamlining data analysis. After this session, you will be able to use functions, formulas, and other tools in spreadsheets. You can even teach this same lesson to your students!

Actions to Practice

Navigating Menus in Excel: Desktop, Web, and Mobile Apps

Desktop App - Full Home Menu Ribbon

Truly full functionality is only available in the computer-based application.

Web App (O365) - Full Home Menu Ribbon

Expanded menu has all the capabilities most people will need.

Web App (O365) - Collapsed Home Menu Ribbon

Even the collapsed version of the menu includes the most commonly used elements.

Mobile App (shown on iPhone) - Home Menu 

What you see in a menu is always dependent on where you click, but this is especially true on the mobile apps. You typically won't see much of anything that looks like a menu until you click into a cell.