Impactful Technology

Impactful Learning & Technology Workshop - Secondary


This has been one of the most unique years in education. New skills were learned and many challenges were overcome. With the anticipation of moving toward a more normal learning environment, we must pause and reflect on all things learned throughout the COVID Pandemic. This workshop will focus on celebrating and reflecting on this past year, looking forward to the start of the new year, and incorporating strategies and resources to grow the capacity of educators to enhance learning outcomes for students.


  • Initial Reflection

    • Celebrations, new skills learned and challenges overcomes

  • Looking Forward

    • What will I embrace, what will I abandon, what will I do between now and the beginning of the school year to be prepared for the best year yet?

  • Top Strategies, Tools, and Tips for Engaging Learners

Impactful Technology - Reflection of 2020-21 D4L