Engaging High School Humanities

Thompson SD, Session 13, 2:00-3:30 pm MST

Intermediate: Engaging High School Students with Instructional Technology

Google Docs and Slides for word processing and presenting

School: Grades 9-12

Content: Humanities - Language Arts, Social Studies and/or Arts.

In this session we will explore ways to engage high school students with instructional technology and digital lessons for Google Classroom. You'll learn how to create HyperDocs, Choice Boards, and interactive Google Slides for ELA, social studies, or fine arts lessons. We’ll explore best practices for keeping everything organized within Google Classroom and Drive, providing feedback, and assessing student learning in a digital environment. This session will show how to use Google Docs and Slides for research projects, word processing, and presenting within the context of your curriculum. Finally, we’ll also explore ways to integrate Digital Citizenship into all of your lessons and share Online Behavior Management tools to help keep your students on track. You will come away with resources and lesson ideas galore!

Recommended prerequisite knowledge:

  • Google Classroom - Experience with setting up and using Google Classroom for assignment creation, distribution, and collection

  • Google Drive, Docs and Slides - Basic experience creating Docs and Slides for word processing and presentations

Apps, Tools & Strategies:

Google Classroom and Drive

  • Best practices for organization and assessment

  • Differentiation of activities

  • Organization for efficiency

Google Docs, Drawings, and Slides

Digital Citizenship and Online Behavior Management