San Lorenzo USD

September 4, 2020


Connection Before Content - Student Check-ins and Maintaining Relationships

Checking-in with students and maintaining relationships in a remote setting have never been more important. We’ll dig into best practices, strategies, and tools for building and maintaining culture in an online environment. We’ll overview a curated shortlist of ideas to address challenges and get hands-on with a couple of strategies/tools you can use tomorrow. Focus tools include Google Forms, Pear Deck and Google Meet.

DL2 - Connection Before Content - Student Check-ins and Maintaining Relationships

September 4, 2020


DL - Communication & Feedback

Communicating and Feedback with Distance and Blended Learning

How do you ensure you are reaching each and every student as well as meeting their needs during blended learning? Effective communication, tools, and activities are key. So, in this session we're giving you tips to actively engage your students, increase participation, and provide feedback while you assess their needs.

September 10, 2020


Visit my Screencast-O-Matic page for session resources!