Mrs. Kanuga's
Classroom Website
About Mrs. Kanuga
About Mrs. Kanuga
I have been teaching here at Red Bank Regional High School since 1998. I have taught all levels of English, but I have always loved teaching freshmen. The freshmen are divided among three Houses: Maroon, Gray, and White. I am Lead Teacher for the Maroon House. We will have competitions against the other Houses during the school year in order to win fun prizes. In addition to teaching English, I am also the Student to Student Peer Leadership Director. This club pairs junior and senior students at RBR with small groups of freshmen to help with their transition to high school. All freshmen will be meeting with these peer leaders on a monthly basis during study hall to discuss pertinent topics. I attended both Georgian Court University and Kansas University for my undergraduate studies, and I completed my graduate studies at Georgian Court University. I have a B.A. in English and Secondary Education as well as a Master's Degree in Administration with my Principal's Certificate. I currently reside in Toms River with my family, including my cute cat Tribble :)
I have been teaching here at Red Bank Regional High School since 1998. I have taught all levels of English, but I have always loved teaching freshmen. The freshmen are divided among three Houses: Maroon, Gray, and White. I am Lead Teacher for the Maroon House. We will have competitions against the other Houses during the school year in order to win fun prizes. In addition to teaching English, I am also the Student to Student Peer Leadership Director. This club pairs junior and senior students at RBR with small groups of freshmen to help with their transition to high school. All freshmen will be meeting with these peer leaders on a monthly basis during study hall to discuss pertinent topics. I attended both Georgian Court University and Kansas University for my undergraduate studies, and I completed my graduate studies at Georgian Court University. I have a B.A. in English and Secondary Education as well as a Master's Degree in Administration with my Principal's Certificate. I currently reside in Toms River with my family, including my cute cat Tribble :)
Contact Information
Contact Information
*students may see me in my classroom every day during study hall, but they will be required to obtain a pass prior to coming
*students may see me in my classroom every day during study hall, but they will be required to obtain a pass prior to coming
*between 7:00 and 7:30 AM, I am usually in the English office, located downstairs in room 200
*between 7:00 and 7:30 AM, I am usually in the English office, located downstairs in room 200
Tribble Valentine
Tribble Valentine