
I always hated the smell the alcohol

A pungence that makes my nose scrunch in disgust

Even the fruity tang couldn’t cover up the smell

A scent that fills the room in seconds

Next thing you know, the floor’s devoured in glass

And that fruity tang stained into the carpet

You were drunk when it happened, 

So why would you care?

That night, you told me I was worthless and unneeded

A failure to you that didn’t know how to function

A burden to you that never seemed to end

Someone you no longer wanted to love

The spilled fruity tang tried to shield your actions

But the alcoholic layer you use to excuse your words

Does not cover the sober filthy truth beneath it

Kayla Sarcomo, Grade 9

Creative Writing Major

Third Place Winning Piece for the international Teen Contest, Voices & Verse