Grade 1 - Math

Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding.'

— William Paul Thurston, American mathematician

With this thought in mind, Learners of Grade 1 were given the project work where they had to choose a number and make 2 addition and 2 subtraction number sentences whose answer will be the number they chose. The learners came up with a beautiful way to present their work.

Grade 4 - Science

Science is just an extension of everyday world. All things are made up

of matter. It is important to understand that matter exists in three

states and that matter can also change states. Grade 4 learners showed

the molecular arrangement in different states of matter using

different materials like buttons, sequence etc.

Grade 5 - French

"Qu'elle heure est-il ?"

Our French learners of Grade 5 learned how to ask and tell what time it is. In this activity "Qu'elle heure est-il?" (What time is it?), they designed clocks showing different timings and also wrote it in French.

Grade 6 - Science

Chemistry is a science that deals with matter and its chemical reactions. One of such reactions introduced to them was Neutralisation Reaction . Neutralisation Reaction occurs when acid reacts with a base to form salt and water. This reaction was shown beautifully by grade 6 learners with the help of Volcanic model .

Grade 7 - Hindi

एक अच्छा रिपोर्टर बनने के लिए दो आवश्यकताएं प्रमुख हैं-एक सहज बुद्धि और दूसरा भाषा पर अधिकार। ये दो आवश्यकताएं संवाददाता की योग्यताओं का निर्धारण करती हैं। उसकी अन्य योग्यताओं या विशेषताओं का संबंध भी प्रायः इन दो से ही होता है।

इसी विषय से संबंधित कक्षा 7 वी प्रकल्प दिया गया था , जिसे सारा जी उसे बखूबी निभाया |

News Express.mp4

Grade 9 - Business Studies

Marketing, competition and the customer.

Objective- Promotions are marketing communications to influence consumer behaviour and spending decisions. They make consumers aware of a product, its brand name and features.

Adobe Scan 18 Nov 2021.pdf

Grade A Level - Physics

A guest lecture was organized for A-Level learners on the topic " The Expanding Universe" which was taken by our Dean Academics, Mr. Biju Baby. The session was a deeply engaging and enlightening one that the students enjoyed thoroughly.

Travel and Tourism

World Tourism Day 2021

WTD 2021 Celebration - Writeup.pdf

Physics Blog

Physics blog-1.pdf

"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." --Anonymous