Being healthy and safe during monsoons

Rain makes our kids dance with joy but it brings some illness too. It might be time for fun and frolic for children but can also result in sickness if proper precautions are not been taken.

Here are a few monsoon tips to help children enjoy this season.


Team Kanakia Kids

KIS CBSE Chembur


English- Phonic sound

Learners of Nursery were involved in recap of phonic sounds and letter formation of letters like s, a, t, p, using different materials and techniques. They used most of their senses while doing this activity which helped in better understanding with lot of fun. 

Math: Concept 

Using different techniques and materials, children learnt about numerals 1 and 2. They traced the number symbol in the rice tray, walked on the formation and playfully moved the toy vehicle on the number symbol in order to learn the formation of the numbers and to understand how the number looks like. They also associated value to these numbers by counting and placing objects. Later, they implemented their learning while solving a page in their workbook which was related to the concept.

Circle Time

Motivational Monday

Each 'Circle Time' sets in the mood of the day for our learners. Monday is the day to be motivated, hence the nursery learners learnt about the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi and to draw inspiration from him.

Sand Play

Sand play is the most sought after play time for our learners and they look forward to it. Along with play they learn to coordinate their movement, involve in group play and also learn basic concepts like full & empty, in & out. It also serves as a great sensorial experience for children.

Literacy Circle

Literacy circle saw children learning basic skills of handling the book, opening the book and turning the pages. They have started with the Fitzroy book on letter sound and are quite intrigued with the embossed letter formations which encourages them to run their fingers over it, in order to trace them.

Theme: Amazing Me

Under the theme of the unit 'Myself-Amazing Me', children learnt about the fact that each individual has a name and that name is associated to a face. Children did activities in order to identify their name and learnt about different facial features. Meanwhile, they also added to their vocabulary bank with words like eyebrows, chin, forehead, cheeks, eyelashes, apart from the usually used words. The craft activity of adding facial features in order to make a face saw children not only being involved creatively, but also in revisiting the facial features.



What's my sound?

Children learned that letters have sound and a name to it.  They practiced tracing and forming the letters of the alphabet, focusing on the letter sound. Once they were aware of the letter sound, the teachers encouraged them to list words starting with the specific sound e.g. /s/, /t/, /a/, /p/


K1 learners under 'Matter Interactions' learnt the properties of rocks. They investigated different types of rocks and meanwhile developed an understanding of concepts like 'rough-smooth' and 'big-small'.  They sorted the rocks as per the features displayed by the rocks, thereby enhancing their math skills. STREAM activity also helped them in enhancing their vocabulary bank with new words.


In math, the learners after identifying the number symbols placed them in sequence. This activity acted as a catalyst for children in order to progress with their writing work.


Circle Time

Circle Time in K2 saw children sharing their thoughts with each other, waiting for their turn to speak and developing listening skills in order to hear out their peers. The teacher encouraged the children to participate in the picture talk where they exercised their language skills in forming complete sentences and presenting their thoughts.


The learners were engaged in reading two letter words by blending the sounds of the letters of the alphabet. Later, they enjoyed working in groups to get the multi-sensorial experience of forming these words which helps in forming a better memory in children.


K2 learners under the theme 'Myself-Healthy Me', learned about how the body functions with the help of various internal organs like brain, lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys and intestines. Later, they worked in their workbooks where they had to read the names of the internal organs and match them to the correct body part by pasting them.

Math: Number Value

Learners were engaged in learning concepts like backwards counting of numbers from 10-1, where they placed the number cards in that specific sequence. They also associated value to the numerals by counting and placing those many popsicle sticks. This helped them in understanding the numbers in detail.