Why is Christmas after Christmas ok, but not Halloween after Halloween

Wren Ferguson 10/26/22

Did you ever realize we celebrate Holidays differently? All holidays are different, but did you know whether we celebrate the holiday after the actual day changes for each holiday? All of this is interesting, but I mostly want to focus on Halloween and Christmas. People have different opinions, but usually celebrating Christmas after December 25 is fine, but Halloween after October 31 is weird. 

Indianapolis' Christmas light display.

When it comes to Christmas, most people say it is fine to celebrate late (85.7% out of 21 random people). This usually is because family members can not always meet before Christmas, so they celebrate after. “I would say that it is fine to celebrate Christmas afterwards. After all, that is what I am doing this year,” explains Maggie McCormack.  Now that makes sense, even though some people still think celebrating Christmas after Christmas is weird. Usually, though, if you celebrate Christmas late, you stop before January 1st. Even though different people go by different rules, some people don’t even celebrate Christmas because of their religion. But whatever you do is totally fine because everybody celebrates holidays differently.

21 random EJHS students' opinions.

21 random EJHS students' results. 

Now as for Halloween, most people say that once October 31 is over, Halloween is over (60% out of 21 random people). Part of this is the fact that trick or treating only is one day, October 31. So most people feel like there is nothing to do to celebrate after this day is over. Even though some people still would say it is ok to celebrate Halloween after October 31. Among these people is Ailynn Kvale, “It's okay to celebrate Halloween after Halloween because there are still other holidays related to Halloween. Like Día de Muertos or otherwise known as Day of the Dead.” Some people do throw parties a little late, but most parties are thrown before Halloween. One of my fellow students came to a reason why Halloween is thought weird after October 31, the fact that there is no event after Halloween. People would think it weird to go trick or treating when no one else is, or to go trick or treating after “Spooky Season,” the last week of October.

Halloween decorations.

So why one but not the other? I say it all comes down to different types of holidays and how differently they are celebrated. Some people might have a different opinion, or their religion celebrates stuff differently, but no matter what, it is still a holiday. I know this might sound weird, but to be honest, we need some rules, or at least some guidelines. For some people, this might be confusing, but for others, this might make perfect sense. It all depends on where you are in the world, how you celebrate a holiday, and what makes sense for that specific holiday. Let me know how you celebrate holidays or if you have any questions down below.

Contributor Bio

Wren Ferguson is a 7th grader at EJHS schools. She is a proud Slytherin and a huge Potterhead. She enjoys Math, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Journaling, Media Production, Robotics, and clogging. She is a new member of Velocity, a competition clogging team.